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After walking for another set of hours Jimin was now standing in front of a castle and he couldn't decide if he should be happy or sad. His mouth hung open at the sight in front of him.

The castle was as big as Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry but instead of looking like old castle it was shining like a glacier.  The whole place was made of white marbles except for the four towers on its each side which were made of shining glass. 

The boy next to him looked at the human standing next to him, his mouth hanging open and his caramel eyes shining brightly looking at the castle. If he wasn't haughty enough to accept then  he would have agreed that the human was cute . Infact he would go so far and call him adorable but he won't.

He averted his eyes when the other boys suddenly turned to him. Thankfully he didn't notice the stare  .

" Is this your house? " he asked eyes shining with glee. He seemed to forget that he was with an almost stranger in a place he didn't even know exists.

" No,  it's my fathers' "

" But it's it the same thing? "

" No"

Jimin scowled at the boy.  He was so strange despite being so beautiful he kept frowning and wouldn't even answer most of his questions.  He sighed in defeat and followed the boy inside.

They crossed the big metal gates where guards were standing on each side.  And then centered the castle through equally big double doors.  The inside of the castle was even more breathtaking.

It was decorated so beautifully Jimin kept staring here and there.  Sometimes at the too big chandeliers sometimes at the big set of staircase going in 2 different direction towards the upper floors of castle.

The walls were adorned by beautiful paintings but the paintings looked strange . The colors looked richer and more vibrant just like the forest.

" Stop looking around or you'll be lost " the other boy grumbled at him.  Jimin quickened him footsteps and followed the other boy.

They walked hallways after hallways and finally reached a room.  He was ushered inside.
" stay here. Don't open the door until its me and don't come out of your room. " and before Jimin could process what he heard the door was banged close leaving him alone in the room.

He sighed and took a look at his room. It was a very big room painted in light blue on 3 walls and a closet built in the 4th. The bed was big enough for 5 people to sleep in it. The bed sheets were also light blue and when he jumped on the bed it was the fluffiest bed he ever slept on.

Slowly he closed his tired eyes and driftted into sleep.  He dreamt of a black cloaked figure chasing him. Slowly getting closer to him.  It gripped his calf with his twisted hand making him fall down.

He jolted awake sweating badly.  Bewildered he looked around and slowly calmed down remembering the events of last night. Now it was surely morning and he noticed there was window in his room.

He went near the window and peaked outside. He looked awestruck at the scene  before him as far as he can see there were miles and miles of green land and snow clad mountains in distance. It was the most beautiful place he have ever seen. The area of castle was surrounded by strong walls and inside the walls there were many beautiful gardens of blooming flowers and cherry blossoms. He was mesmerized by it he wanted to jump out of window and touch the flowers.

There was a slow tap on his door and he went to open it. He opened it without asking who it was and immediately regreted it.

Standing in front of him was the same person from last night but now he was in tunics showing his lightly tanned biceps and tight leather pants with combat boots.

But what cought Jimins attention was that his hair was pulled back from his face styled backwards leaving his forehead and ears bare.  And his ears weren't normally shaped. No!  They were sharply pointed ears. Holy jams ! he has pointed ears what does that mean? 

And now that it was morning Jimin couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked now. He looked 100 times more beautiful and elegant than last night if that's even possible.

" I told you to not to open the door unless its me" the boy growled at him.

" but it's you so what's the point? "

" how would you know its me?  What if it was someone else? "

Jimin didn't have any answer for that . So he answered with a question.

" I didn't even know your name how would i have known its you even if i asked before opening? "
He asked folding his arms in front of him chin raised high.

The other boy couldn't help but find it utterly cute . He looked like a small puppy trying to intimidate someone but ended up looking even cuter than before. He pursed his lips to prevent himself from laughing.

" Kim Taehyung "

" what? "

" My name.  I'm  Kim Taehyung "

" Oh!  I'm Park Jimin,  i would say it's nice to meet you but it's yet to be decided  but thanks for saving my life Taehyung" Jimin said showing his signature smile.

"It's okay i was just doing my job"

" your job?  Why?  And why you have pointed ears?  And what was that thing which attacked me yesterday and where exactly are we?  And can i get some food and a phone and some clothes?" He threw all questions at once.

" Yah!  Slow down okay?  I'll get some food for you while you take a bath and the clothes are in closet we'll talk about your situation after that , I'll be right back" and he walked out again .

Jimin entered the grand sized attached bathroom and took his sweet time in shower. While bathing he realized that he didn't feel cold or hot since he entered this strange place. It is even possible?  I've seen much more weird things than thia in past hours so its not a big deal.  He shrugged and came out of bathroom a towel wrapped around his hips.

Tae was already waiting there with a plate of food next to him om table. He looked up from where he was sitting . The sighed before him made his cheeks turn into shades of pink.

He human boy -Park Jimin - was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His finely toned skin and perfect sets of abs on full display. He cursed under his breath and looked away.

When Jimin was done wearing tunic and slacks he perched himself on the bed and started munching his food.

" Now tell me "  he said taking a sip of his tea.

Tae hyung cleared his throat and started talking.

" First of all you're in fairy lands now and I'm a fay " and before he could look up at Jimin . He choked on his tea and spat it straight at Tae's face.

~ *sigh*

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