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" Hyung, the light is coming from there " Hoseok said panting as four of them stood in the four way intersection.  Yoongi looked ahead and nodded looking at the tiny light. Taehyung was restless as he looked at the four passages thinking which one  did Jungkook and Namjoon take.

" Lets go " Jin said and marched towards where the light was coming form. The other three followed him quietly. as they kept nearing the light got bigger but they couldn't hear any sound . Everything was eerily quite . And when they were almost their Jin halted suddenly making everyone else halt in their steps. And that's when Taehyung heard it .


Jungkook swung his sword before him in a skilled manner slashing two creatures in one go . Aboma let out a yelp as the two dead bodies fell to the ground. These creatures and Aboma were the children of darkness and she can feel their pain as they died one by one. It was making her weaker as well. 

Namjoon was securing Jungkook's back . He held his sword in front of him contemplating every move of the creatures as more and more of them poured into the room. it seemed like they were never ending . They killed one and 3 more came in its place. Jimin was out cold on his chair unaware of everything going around him. The floor that was supposed to be full of bodies and blood was still as clean as before. The bodies just disappeared as soon as they were about to hit the ground. 

Jungkook and Namjoon kept slashing them down one by one as more kept pouring into the room. The two were moving in a perfect motion like they had practiced it a million times. Protecting each other from any  advances.

" Enough of this ! Grab them" The king boomed after a while . He was bored of seeing the stupid things fall one after one. He just wanted to get done with the two who had interrupted his ceremony.

Jungkook and Namjoon had decided not to use their powers just yet because that was the only advantage they had over the king. They cant risk it before knowing what was going on and why was Jimin there.

Suddenly all the dark creatures jumped onto them at once making is difficult for the boys to move their arms. they were tackled to floor with around 20 creatures on top them . And them suddenly nothing was holding them down.

The king threw his hand in the air and all the creatures went flying into the wall . Aboma creamed in pain beside him but he didn't pay any attention. He twirled his hand in air again and the two boys were also thrown against the wall. Their hands and legs tied to the wall with some invisible binds, their swords discarded on the floor.

Jungkook coughed harshly from the impact , and Namjoon was unconscious as he had hit his head pretty bed on the wall. 

" Why won't you just listen to me when I told you to stay away from my court?" The King asked as he slowly walked towards Jungkook. The tied boy recovered from his coughing fit and looked up. There was a little blood on the corner of his mouth which he didn't pay any attention to.

" Why are you afraid I will ruin you?" Jungkook asked as he smirked at the old man. The king chuckled slowly standing right in front of the boy .

" Aren't you speaking too much for someone who is standing tied up in front of me" He said and started moving towards Namjoon . Jungkook didn't say anything he just noticed every move of the man.

" Should I kill this extra one first or you?" He asked running a hand on Namjoon's unconscious face . Jungkook was trying hard to control his powers. It was ready to burst any time, edging him to rip his restraints and kill the man in front of him. But he had to wait.

" Why are you doing this?" He asked and the king smiled sinisterly at him.

" Now we are talking " He said and move towards Jimin . Jungkook held his breath , praying to all the gods to give him the power to hold himself back if the man laid a hand on his mate.

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