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" Alright, Me and Jungkook will go in first and everyone will follow when we signal  you to" Namjoon explained and Jin shook his head.

"Why do you want to go in first? what if something happens to you?" He said worriedly.

" Nothing will happen , don't worry okay?" Namjoon assured boy with a smile but on inside he was shitting his pants due to nervousness.

All of them had gathered at the main room in the library . Everyone was dressed in black clothes , all their weapons hanging from their waist. They might have gotten their powers back but you cant always rely on them sometimes , a physical battle might be waiting for you.

" Lets go everyone , remember we have to win whatever this is and come back " Hoseok said and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

" Was that supposed to make us feel better ?" He scoffed  as he played with the small crystal dagger in his hand. Hoseok ignored him along with others and stood up .

The boys silently made their way downstairs to the lower floors of the library . Each one of them could feel a presence of someone else around them but no one said anything because it seemed normal now. whoever this person was, they were either trying to get them killed or trying to help them.

Finally Yoongi led them towards the back of the floor where they had seen the passage. The bookshelf was back at its place again perfectly hiding the big hole in wall. Jungkook looked at the big shelf and with one flick of his eyes it was thrown to side  revealing the dark passage .

" So much for not using our powers" Jin rolled his eyes moving forwards to have a look at the door. Namjoon held his hand  and pulled him back . Jin glared at him but got back nonetheless.

" Wait for our signal" Namjoon said before moving into the darkness closely followed by Jungkook. Jungkook gave Taehyung as brief glance before disappearing into the darkness. Taehyung had seen the boy looking at him but he stood quietly at side. He was too worried for Jimin already and even though he had blamed Jungkook for not protecting Jimin he was still worried about the younger boy . He was just too mad at himself and everyone.

" Isn't it odd that so much happened but we didn't hear anything from the king?" Yoongi the intellectual suddenly said and Taehyung whipped his head towards the older boy.

Now that he thought about it , it was weird how clueless his father was being. He was the King of the spring court and a king always knows what's going on in his court . Some human comes to his court gets kidnapped and king knows nothing about it? Then Taehyung suddenly remembered their last meeting with his father.

" He wanted Jimin from the beginning " Taehyung said as his eyes widened in realization. The other 3 boys also looked shocked as it finally started making sense.

" He's doing all this . He knew we would look for some other way so he got the answer stolen ,and no one can invade the palace and get away with it until the king wants it " Jin said and he whipped his head towards the dark passage.

There was no sign of Jungkook and Namjoon . it had already been an hour . 

" They are in danger . The king is powerfull , they wont stand a chance " Hoseok said with panicked eyes  Taehyung was pale by now. He was on the verge of a breakdown. His mates might get killed by the hands of his own father if he didn't do anything .

Without waiting for anything Taehyung jumped into the dark passage running into the darkness. He head Jin screaming for him but he didn't care about anything at this moment.

Yoongi cursed loudly before running behind Taehyung , Jin and Hoseok following closely behinf him.


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