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If i were to ask you what a book is, what will be your answer?

A boring stuff?

Just a printed words?

Have an ending?

Yeah, maybe.

But it'll be boring if you make it boring. If you can't feel or understand its art, why bother reading? You'll just feel boredom.

It's just that you need to understand its art and feel the words.

Printed words

Yeah, it is. But not just that freaking simple words. That words you always hear everywhere but just written. The words you didn't even tried to notice was just written. Why need to print the words?

To understand. To be more eyes wide open.

Have an ending?

A book is indeed a story but didn't have an end. It's just that it has a part to be told. To start and to end. But that's just a part of the real story. Not the real beginning, not the real end.

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