Part 13: back homem

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I wake up, my head pounding....

I feel around to see where I am, not opening my eyes. I'm too scared to see what's around me....wait. This bed.

My eyes shoot open to see my familiar room. I'm thankful that I'm home.

I hop off my bed and quickly shuffle to my dresser. I pull out a fresh set of cloths. This including: the Y/N special. Jacket, shorts, slippers, and no f***s to give. I hurry to the bath room. I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth, as well get dressed. I look at the mirror one final time. It's good to be back to normal. I have really been waiting for phoebe to say hi the entire time I was getting ready. I'm now really noticing how much I really miss her. I quickly run out of the messy room and go across the hall. What time is it anyway?

I knock on her door to see if she's in there.
*knock knock* no one. I open it ajar and peek in, no one but still spotless as always. With her figure collectibles, comedic bed, and her iconic flag by her shelf. I stiffen when I hear voices coming from down stairs.
I ready my magic as I walk stealth fully down the stairs. I reach around the corner, only to be met by a pile of socks and a loud kitchen. I put down my flaming had as I see a friend of phoebes..ULA!!! (Only name beside Ursula I could find that started with a U). She was always an odd one. Always loud, tall, always wanted to punch people in the face....but her girlfriend Amber was chill, I used to work with her. I walk into the kitchen. I had flashes of memories from the blue incident. Where are they anyway?

"Eyyyy guys, what's going on."

"Y/N!" Phoebe runs over.
"YOURE AWAKE!!! I was so scared when the guys. Brought you home and then you were all waked out and tinged almost grey! You have been out for almost the entire day! You got here at 9!" I look at the clock and see its 7 'o clock in the evening.
"hey punk! How yah feeling?" Ula comes running up. Phoebe and I sign to keep her out of knowing what we're saying. It's a weird thing to know how to sign without being taught.....

"Did you tell her about the skeletons? And are you guys getting along? The papyrus ' I mean."

"This isn't fair and you know I can't sign!!" Ula sighs and goes back to cleaning up the mess.

"I couldn't have told her about the others because only we can see them, counter parts and pairs. And we are getting along just fine. I really like the edgy one! They also told me about the super duper cool power you have!!! Like, who would think you had powers!"

"I know right, but you I should scaddaddle and find the skeletons, have you seen them?" I sign curiously. I'm starting to get worried
"Maybe they left a message in that cool phone that they have you" she turns and goes and helps Ula.

I quickly run to my room and try to find my....wait

"We won't be needing this now will we??" He crushes the phone in his hands. The effect of any skeleton look was in that phone. And with out it I change back.

I feel my hair comeback and I feel a bit heavier.

How am I going to find them now?

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