"She says they're monsters."-Chapter Two

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"She says they're monsters."-Chapter Two

"We are part of a perfect community, young lady we must act on the rewards life has given to us; no more shenanigans. Stand up, not only for ourselves but to those who shan't do so for themselves. You mustn't let the chance of getting this operation slip through your fingers. Go through with it. You will become the one."


But if I come to think about it. Is this really what I want? What the future holds for me, I shall take only if it is what I need. What I want--what I think is right--for me--for us all, I don't need thoughts put in my head to tell me what to do, what not to do: your opinions, not needed, sucking my well thought out mindset and inserting it in your own just to get the title known as "smart". No. No longer shall I listen to those who anger me, put unworthy thoughts into my head. My well-structured mind flows. I will no longer consider what once was known as the perfect community, union, utopia. Perfect. Because it will all come crashing down once the truth is known to all human.

This is me. Lyra Fable Kabrick. Now eighteen, independent, and shipped off to college.

My best friend, Denny and I live together in a house up the street from our local food mart. God knows how I love that place all too well. Such a shame how my own mother didn't want to take me in because "I look too much of my father." It pains her to see me after what he did. More like what I did. But it pains me even more how she can't take a second without looking at me with pain and regret. I loved and still do love my father, and my mother will never speak of him. I used to have another best friend, his name was Cooper which was Denny's twin brother. But me, Denny, and my mother never speak of the incident that happened eleven years ago.

She told me that we don't need him or my father in my life. She says they're monsters. But I'd like to point the finger in the other direction. I haven't seen Cooper since I was seven and I would always call him by his full name. Cooper Lee Edmund Jones. I don't remember a single thing about his looks because they brainwashed me to forget since I was the only one who wasn't supposed to be there, but I know that we had a connection deeper than the thoughts can venture.

My life was spent with just Denny and I and he has always been there for me when my mother would always try to decide what was best for me. She thought that I had to get the TTO to be perfect. To be the daughter she has always wanted. But never receive. I just don't understand what she wants more from me than the Telepathy Thoughts Operation so badly so I can learn to "speak my thoughts."

Yeah, you heard me right. In this so-called new society, where we can catch a "fresh start", speaking out loud is as overrated as broadcasting. So we've learned to speak our thoughts in this intellectual world we've learned to hold onto and grasp the meaning of what had come.

But no, not me; I'm the special one.

So yeah, reading peoples thoughts/minds and not being able to take back what you've said can get you in a major hole especially dealing with the wrong people.

My mother works for the government and always pushed her snobby selfish ideas on me onto how to make me a better person made me learn to push her away. Yeah, we both lost the man we held dearest in our hearts, but she is being too pushy. All she wants to do is sit up in my face and make fun of me and my looks.

"Why don't you put on any makeup? Your clothes are always wrinkled. Why don't you get out any more?


Every mess-up I make she has to comment on it and makes it a habit and daily basis thing to always be up on everything I do to make sure I don't screw up. Which I certainly do every once in a while. (Maybe three times a week).

Always pushing me too far. But she never once thought how I might feel putting me through the situation like I'm her dog and I must follow her orders. I have my rights to make my own darn decisions in these types of situations. All she cares about is how her daughter makes her look and how she must live to make her life a perfect reputation and future.

I've always been the odd ball-the weird child. I was born with a rare condition, being born mute and deaf which cuts off my flow of communication causing my thoughts to stay stuck in my brain. Not able to communicate with others making me be that dysfunctional person with no friends and the last person to be chosen in the game of dodgeball. Because no one wants to hang out with the freak who can't speak. So, I disconnected myself from the world, the world that everyone else calls home but to me its just a foreign land too hard for me to fit into. So I sail my boat to a deserted island. Alone. I stayed put in the "weird people only" section in the far right corner on the bottom row of my seat at my university. What no one knows is that I am more than my thoughts.

My intelligence level and mind are deeper than my thoughts and higher than the rests'. I speak through my bloodstream, my veins, my brain, my whole-being, is the way I communicate. My Intelligence coursing through my veins; as it ignites the spark deep within that starts the never-ending furnace of creative, overflowing, branched off thoughts, memories, and ideas, concealed, gaping deep within. But no one seems to understand me. So, all my thoughts, secrets, and lies are ready to burst out at any moment, screaming, "LET ME OUT", flooding my train of thought, causing me to slowly grow insane. No one knows me, gets me, or feels me. No one even sees me. The only thing I show people is my happiness, fake happiness. To hide the ugly scar left inside of me. The indentation left in my once known heart. No one has ever and I thought never understood me.

That is until today.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Denny and I walk to the weekly ceremonial dispatch, where the "White House," right in the middle of, "Givers Sphere," as I like to call it, give out weekly prizes to those who are wealthy citizens. Those who like to hang their wealthy earned prizes on their "Bragger Wall." Or those who do good in the community to earn them. I don't see the sense in going, knowing I don't go out as much as I used to because I don't necessarily get along with others. And I'd rather be home eating all the food in the fridge. But my mom is forcing me to come and to be on my best behavior because of what happened last time because of my so-called "powers." (Much more to me as a curse).

When people tend to make me "go off my radar" on my not-so-pleasant side by embarrassing, humiliating, or you get the idea, I tend to...

I don't know...

I guess making things go 'boom.'

It's particularly on accident which doesn't lead to that much damage. Just some minor injuries or broken arms. Nothing too bad. The TO (Telepathy Officers), are good for threatening to dump me on the other side of the wall. Though they never will since my mother works for the government and may have a few connections.

As we walked into the tall building cutting off the slicing cold as I opened the door, warmth filled me. Denny went to go speak to his father since he hadn't talked to him in a while and I was left alone. And the feeling of uneasiness crept through my pours as if someone was staring at me. As the feeling became more intense and more uncomfortable, I began to look around. Through the columns I saw a man, at least a head taller than me, studying my appearance. And as I did the same, something happened that I never thought possible.

A/N: What's going to happen? '0'

Until I have more people continuing to read the story I'll wait to publish some more.







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