L is For

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L is for Lucy.

L is for Lindsay Lohan.

L is for lunatic.

Am I a bad person, just because I have so much in common with other bad people?

But L is also for lovely.

L is for likable.

L is for loose, light, learned, lively, lucky.

Celebrity may be the hardest career on the planet, but I won't turn out like Lindsay Lohan, no matter what Ben says. I will make it thought this. I will stay myself.

I hope...?


A/N: OK, I hope this update to this chapter makes more sense!!! This was an on-the-spot idea, so please tell me if it makes sense in the context or at all. Thanks!!! Happy reading!!! -Lynne

Also, WOO!!! 400 reads!!! Thanks so much for reading!!! I hope you like it. :D

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