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"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."

January 12th, 2001

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January 12th, 2001

The clock on the wall was beating loudly, showing it was an hour late for dinner. The cutlery the occupants used chanted clunk noises. The dining room was only covered with solitude besides all the wordless sound in the background, although there were three people who surrounded the table holding three white melamine plates with schnitzel cordon bleu. Different cups were also laid next to each plate; a huge mug for the grown man, a glass cup for the teen, and a yellow plastic cup for the youngest. The silence was soon disturbed by the coughing of one of them.

Charles Johnson was distracted from his plate that had half of the meal left in front of him that he decided to not finish up. His gaze raised slightly to the smaller boy sitting across the table. His face was a bit pale, but that did not diminish his speed at the same dinner. Charlie pretended to ignore it, he was just about to eat another bite of his food reluctantly but the hoop sounded louder than before and this time accompanied by a sneeze.

"Jimmy," Charlie started to speak up. He put the spoon back on the plate, canceled to continue finishing his meal. "I think you should rest tomorrow. You don't have to go to school."

"He's right, you know," their father, Gregory Johnson, followed the suggestion even though his attention was focused on his dish.

"No, no. I'm pretty fine, Charlie!" Jimmy replied. He was a ten years old boy with bright green eyes. His red curly hair started to grow longer, but nobody decided to tell him to cut it. His attitude showed no illness at all, he looked as well as he said. "I just have to rest now. I'm sure I'll get better tomorrow. I don't want to be home alone at noon."

"Don't forget the medicine, okay?" Greg reminded his second son, and Jimmy nodded as an acceptance. "Also I'm sorry I can't take you to school. I have to be at the port before seven."

"It's alright. We'll ride the bikes," Charlie replied with an obvious fake smile toward his father's concern. Gregory was a captain of a cruise ship and he traveled in the sea for weeks, or even months. It was hard for Charlie and Jimmy to just live by themselves, even though Jimmy did not seem to care and enjoy his free time without parental control. He would love to sit in front of his game consoles for hours and read comics for the rest of the days. Their babysitter, Sandra, was an energetic woman who loved to hang out with her friends. She came to just prepare food, clean the house, and left. The rest of it, they would manage for each other. Sadly, Charlie was often tied up with school activities that made him have less time with his brother. He always offered Jimmy to join his clubs or at least to be around so they could have more time together, but Jimmy always refused just like now. "I will probably get you home late, Jimmy. I have a basketball match after school. You can come while waiting."

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