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  "Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul."


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The day after the tragedy, Charlie woke up in the hospital corridor. It was plain white and dull, several posters of medical cautions hung up on the walls including a dispenser of hand sanitizer near each door. It was not the visit time, so only nurses happened to pass him by. His eyes were heavily opened, vision was blurry side to side for a moment. He spent a whole day and night in the hospital without leaving the corridor, taking all the chances he had to visit his brother in time. Then he noticed there was Sandra, waking him up, "Charlie, it's almost morning."

There was nobody else in the hallway, it was quiet except Sandra's whisper echoed through his ears. He laid on the waiting chair, then watching her with his weary eyes. "Is he awake?" said Charlie, his voice frailed.

"No, not yet," she answered softly to not worry him more. "I called your father last night. You were asleep here, I didn't want to disturb you. He asked me to tell him to call him as soon as possible."

"Did he say anything about Jimmy?"

"Oh, yeah! I'm sorry... But he thinks Jimmy is fine. He said his friend's child suffered the same thing years ago and woke up in a couple of days."

"Well..." Charlie released his breath. He was terribly disappointed by the situation. "I hope sooner than that."

"It will be," Sandra cheered him up. Her smile was comforting, Charlie always loved how she calmed the kids down since he was younger. "He also said, you need to go to school. You have a match!"

"Yeah... I missed my basketball match. And a test, today." Charlie rubbed his nape. Now another worry came up that he abandoned his team that relied on his role the most. He also had not studied for the math test today, though he barely failed but not well prepared is not his style. Everything felt falling apart in his life at this moment.

"Gosh, hurry up! I'll drive you."

Charlie tried to distract his mind from worrying too much which could cause more depression to disturb his study, but sitting in the passenger seat looking at the window watching people interacting and doing some business just reminded him of his brother, a long-life companion. However he should not disappoint other people more such as his team at school, Gregory, and Sandra.

Sandra Michael was a skinny brunette woman, taller than normal women in her forty years old age and had a neck like a giraffe. She was very kind to him, whose husband was the sailor man, as Greg's companion. She lost her son ten years ago, and that was why she enjoyed being Johnson brothers' caretaker and guardian while Gregory was on the cruise trip with her husband. She treated Jimmy and Charles like her own children.

She finally dropped Charlie at East High School after waiting for him too long at home, finding where his math book was because Charlie totally forgot until now he left it undiscovered.

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