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"Blessed are those that know the path out of their carnal flesh, for they shall attain intuition."   

Every weekend seemed gloomy since Jimmy was moribund

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Every weekend seemed gloomy since Jimmy was moribund. No noise of the jumble of foot rhythm Jimmy usually made all around the house. The wooden sword was left on the corner of the living room, the spot where he left it the last time he played with it. Sandra was the only one who made a lot of mobility under the roof, preparing lunch for Charlie and doing the laundry. She was currently having business with some friends in a regular social gathering, so she fastened every task to finish in this house.

She walked with a little dance, chirped like a little bird because a walkman accompanied her inside the apron pocket, playing some Backstreet Boys. The song was played loudly in her ears whilst she was washing the dishes, as her last thing to do today. As the cassette spun slowly and changed the song, she picked it out from the pocket to rewind the previous song.

It was so quiet when the song was not yet played again, and it became so obvious when a noise came from outside the kitchen, where Sandra could hear clattering voices of footsteps against the wooden floor in the corridor. Tail of her eyes waited for someone's attendance through the kitchen entrance, but as the steps heard closer, there was no one passing by.

She furrowed her eyes, and started to play the music again. It startled her when it did not work. "What the–" She opened the case, took the cassette out just to make sure it was fine, and restored it inside but nothing changed – it failed to play. A moment later, she caught some noise again, quick light footsteps and it was like somebody ran behind her. She immediately twisted her body, but nobody was there as she predicted, even though she believed that was not a delusion.

As she felt tricked, she left the kitchen and her music player nearby the sink. She took a towel and dried her hands, bringing it around the house as a companion to check who was here beside her. It must be Charlie, as he was sleeping tight and there was a big probability he woke up already, but she did not expect that Jimmy's bedroom door had been opened.

Sandra furrowed her eyes while stepping slowly approaching the door, wondering why and how, since it wasn't open since last month. "Charlie, are you there...?"

She grabbed the doorknob, her eyes viewed around the room inside. She could not spot any living person, whoever it was. The room was peacefully untouched, and she kept it that way. Then when she closed the door, she was sure she heard a little boy's laughter.

She was frightened, she immediately ran towards Charlie's room. When arrived there, she opened the door and went inside. The room was warmer than the previous one, but who's covered under that blanket was unmoved, enjoying his deep sleep too long as it's mid day.

"Charlie..." She sounded whacked, reaching the bed. "Wake up, I feel like there's a naughty kid around here–" He was not under the sheet, when she pulled it off the bed, it was just messy pillows in it. She fell silent. She stepped backwards slowly, spooked. Especially when she suddenly felt a hand laid on her shoulder.

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