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It was morning as I got woken up by Rye moving, so I looked over to see what he was going. He turned over to face me and whispered morning handsome, did you sleep well. As I nodded and tryed to stand up but I couldn't. Rye just laughed at me while he picked me up off the floor and placed me on the bed.

He said "I'm going to get you food" as I nodded. Rye left the room and went downstairs because I couldn't stand.

5 minutes later, he came back in the room, with food in his hands. He gave me some meat and himself some as well. Rye whispered, this will help you build your strength up. I just nodded. He handled me my meat and I eat in straight away.

An hour later, I managed to stand up and got ready for college. Rye smiled at me while he done his hair.

Half an hour we walked to college like any other day and reached it. Rye grabbed my hand and took me to see Mikey and Andy where they hang out. As we turned the corner I couldn't see Mikey. I only saw Andy.
He looked sad about something, I asked him what's wrong. He answered it's Mikey and Alex, they are dating each other and he won't talk to me because he knows I like him. I just hugged Andy and I told him to not worry about it and just be with friends, you only need friends to be happy. You don't need anything else.

Rye puts his arm around me and kissed my cheek. He whispered did you want to make that baby with me tonight as I nodded and whispered back off course I do, I love you so much. He just smiled

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