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Rye walked out the toilets, grabbed my hand and lead me out of sight of my friends and the public. I said “I need to tell you something as well” Rye was in front of me still holding my hand. He smiled and spoke I might be pregnant again, but I still love you Brook. I replied Awwww I love you too. He went in for a kiss until my friends joined us which I had Rye by my side. We was all hanging out in the park.

We sent the whole day in the park just talking to each other. It was getting dark so we all decided to go back to Rye's house until I couldn't see my friends anymore, I had a bag over my head. I heard here Rye shouting Brook, Brook, where are you? I wanted to scream but I had tape on my mouth

Someone took the bag off my head and I realised I was in a strangers car. I looked around but I didn't know where I was going or who these people are, I have never seen them before. Then I noticed they were not just any people, they were wolf hunters. How did they know I'm a wolf, they even didn't know who the alpha was. I bet they through I was an alpha.

As we was driving down the road I was trying to free myself. I pulled at the door handles but I couldn't open it.  Then all off a sudden I through off Rye, he is the alpha and might be pregnant again with my child. I was heart broken because I was away from Rye, I'm never this far from him. I could feel my heart beating fast and then I heard one off the hunters heart. He was scary and hardly had any emotions, he was also so calm.

I was missing Rye so much I couldn't feel my body as they must off used wolf bain on me because I felt very weak like I haven't eaten for days or I haven't been walking or sleeping. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move at all. As we arrived at a old abandoned building, one of the men grabbed my arm and took me into the living room and tried me down on an old rusty chair, it had blood stains on it, which was dry. It made me feel sick.

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