Visiting our home.

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3 days later the men went round our house. We heard a knock on the door so I answered it and it was the men so we let them in. They sat down on the sofa and Rye needed to sit down. As the men was talking about the house, the babysitter came down with the baby and puts it in her cot and went back upstairs as she was a wolf too. After 5 minutes I went over to the cot and picked her up.

I Went back to the sofa, gave the baby to Rye and then I sat down next to him on the arm off the sofa and I put my arm around Rye to support him.

Rye mentioned that him and me are engaged and we are expecting another child soon. The men asked us if they could look around the house also can we see the birth certificate please. I said yes you can. We all got up off the sofa, I was holding the baby up the stairs while I let Rye go first. As we reached the baby's room. I put the her in the cot. Rye was watching their daughter while I Try to find the birth certificate. After 2 minutes I found it and handled it to the men.

I picked the baby back up and we carried on showing them the house. 5 minutes later we finished so we all went back down stairs and sat back on the sofa. The men asked if they could talk to Rye alone. So I took the baby into a different room.

The men said "Rye, you need to see us and the doctor that is in the police station once every week". We have to do lots off tests, but don't worry some off the tests you can be with your boyfriend but some of them you have to be on your own. As one of the men placed the birth certificate on the table and shouted Brook you can back in now. As I entered the room I looked at Rye to see if he was OK because whenever he can't see me he panics, gets stressed or gets really nervous.

Me and the baby sat next to Rye and handled him his daughter to hold, It made us both smile.

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