love is love

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We was at the den still. I woke up and saw Rye still asleep, he looked so cute and stuggly. I just wanted to hug him all day but I had to get up to get food but I through I didn't want any food actually. And laided back down next to Rye while he cuddles up to me which made me smile. Rye opened his eyes and stared at me, he looked cheeky today, as I could see it in his face.

Hello babe, did you sleep well I heard Rye say in a tried voice. I replied yeah I did you, he just nodded and spoke sort off. I wanted to make sure your OK, Brook guess what. As he pointed to my stomach and I notised the sliver bullet was gone. I was confused until I remembered Rye bit me near the bullet hole. Rye said "I think the bites can heal the silver, I need to bit your shoulder and your leg near the holes, should we do it now then your healed for a photoshoot (we are a boyband called 'Roadtrip')

After half an hour, Rye bit my shoulder and leg which was sort but the sliver bullets was gone. I was so happy then Rye sat up gently because he was pregnant and puts my hand on his stomach.

We had to get up to get ready for a photoshoot that day. I wanted Rye to rest because he's been though so much as he looks so tried.

Rye ran to the bathroom as he felt sick and sat on the side off the bathtub while I went into the bathroom to make sure he was OK, and if he wanted anything. I hugged Rye and whispered I'm here as he started crying so I sat in front off him on the toilet lid and held his hand. I spoke what's wrong as I wiped his tears off his cheek.

Afterwards I put my hand on his leg and said " It's OK " as he pulled at my top to get closer to him so I moved closer to Rye. He looked at me with sad eyes, they wasn't red anymore, they was blue. I spoke what happened, are you an alpha still.

Rye nodded no, and spoke I'm something else, still a wolf though so don't worry. My eyes are blue because I healed your sliver bullets and I made you feel better, so I'm an angel wolf with wings. As he showed me his back which had wing marks on it. I kissed Rye. Afterwards he was taking his wings out to show me and I said "your beautiful" while I touched his black wings, they were soft and can easily break.

I stood up and looked in the mirror to do my hair and noticed I was an alpha wolf as I saw red eyes placed my yellow eyes. Rye whispered your beautiful too, you will make a great alpha you deserve it, and I love you Brook and off course our daughter. I whispered back I love you and our daughter too. As we both smiled at each other. While he puts his wings back because we heard someone outside the bathroom. I had to clean the bathtub as there was blood on it until we found out it was Easton. Rye puts his top back on quicky and I turned my red eyes off. But the thing was I couldn't turn my eyes off.

I didn't know what to do?

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