19 things I learned in my last 19 years

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19 things I learned in my last 19 years

1. Expensive Concert tickets are worth it. The fun you will have and the ambiance and just, everything in that concert will bring you joy for weeks if you're a fan of the artist or band. I only went to a few concerts, but I have great memories with even greater people.

2. Friends are important, but so is your family. Yes, your little and/or big brother(s) and/or sister(s) might be annoying but seeing them grow up and change is one of the most wonderful experience of your life. One day maybe you'll miss the good old days when he/she/they were younger. And your parents might be old, but take the time to sit down with them and have real discussions with them. Tell them/him/her how much they've/he has/she has done for you and how much you have love for them/her/him. Love your family & show them our love for them.

3. Do no, and i repeat, do not jump on a bed to touch the ceiling (or jump on a trampoline to touch a leaf worth). It's not worth the pain of an almost broken ankle. Also, do not hurry going down the stairs, you might fall and break your other foot. Yeah, please take good care of your feet & ankles. They're important for you know, walking.

4. You cannot donate blood before the age of 18 (at least in Quebec, Canada) and if you drank alcohol 48h before donating. (Theres also a buch of other ruled i just dont l know them) Good thing to know if you want to donate and you drank alcohol 30 hours before, huh?

5. Not everyone is going to like you, and its totally okay. You do you and you change the things you can change and accept those you cannot change. People have opinions just like you do and sometimes there nothing to do but agree to disagree.

6. It is probably not a good idea to procrastinate as much as I do. Or just procrastinate at all. (Just so you guys know, this list was originally called 18 things, because i started it about 4 months before my 18th birthday and never finished it thats just how much I procrastinate.)

7. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and your problems are as real as anyone else's . Its not because somewhere in the world someone has it worse than you that your problem are not worth talking about and not worth taking care of.

8. College freshman 15 is a real thing. Just gonna put this out there.


10. Just stop and take the time to breathe and look at the view, there is always something cool and incredible to see. Whether its a mother rocking a bad of groceries in her arms because rocking back and forth became a reflex she developed the day her child came into this world, whether it's nature dying ans coming back to life or little children making up games and stories with just about nothing but their imagination, theres always something to see, to watch, to notice, to love.

11. Every birthday you have is like you celebrate (or acknowledge) that you're one year closer to your death. Its weird and kind of morbid to think of it this way.

12. Shakespeare is wierd as shit, old tragedy plays are weird as shit in general (But it's a writer's/author's job/purpose to create impossible and possibles stories to move and make people feel and think.its beautiful, isn't it?)

13. Hard cover books are sooo much prettier but so much more expensive. Ya need to choose wisely what you want; one beautiiifulll book, or two pretty books.

14. Change is scary, but it's necessary and it's not automatically bad. Get out of your confort zone, write poetry even if you hate poems, sing in public even if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, say hi to the stranger on the bench even if you're not the outgoing type of person. You're going to meet people, learn things and have great stories to tell (LIKE THIS ONE THIS I DECIDED TO SING ACCAPELLA AND IT WAS MY FIRST TIME SINGING IN PUBLIC AND I DID A REALY WIERD LEG MOVE AND I THINK THE PEOPLE IN THE FIRST ROW SAW UNDER MY SKIRT (i had tight on tho). A) i met people, talented and awesome people. B) New experience that I'll cherish forever. C) i learned i loved being on stage and sharing songs i love with those who will hear me. D) i also learned to control (or at least try to) some of the involuntary mouvement while performing.

15. IF YOU'RE ON A MECHANICAL STAIR (How the hell do we call those?), LEFT IS TO MOVE AND WALK UP, RIGHT IS TO STAND STILL WAIT. Get your shit together and learn people. (Not that everyone does that, but if the hat fits... roasted. Or not)

16. Please do not google « memes » on google, you'll get stuck in a hunt for the funniest meme to send to your crush or friends and then you'll realize it's two in the morning and you have class at 8.

17. Nothing last forever. Not even pain last forever. It might feel like it, believe me I know it can feel like that, but it's not the case. Maybe you'll always have a little pain thinking of someone, a place or a moment of your life but it gets better. And then you get bad, and it gets worse and slowly it gets easier until the day you can say it's behind you (which does not mean you forget about it.). Nothing last forever, it either goes away or you get used to it and it gets easier.

18. You don't need to prove your point every time theres an argument. Choose your battles and choose them well, fight for what you stand for and have at heart and NEVER forget that theres more than one side to the truth/what is right, so hear the other party/parties out they might have a point/argument you've never heard or though of before.

19. Create and make art. Now, hear me out, i took a cégep/college class about what is art so im pretty much an expert in that (or naaahh) and even if society (or yourself) does not consider you (or yourself) as an artistic type of person, you can still be an artist and create. You see, art is something that makes a person feel something, makes a think and sometimes makes him/her/them see the world a little (or a lot) differently. So you can be a singer or a dancer to be an artist, but you can also be the person making drinks in a bar or a coffee shop, you can also be an athlete because sport has this special aspect that fans or people who know about the sport finds beauty in it. You can even be a mascot and be an artist. You can create art, you can share your ideas, your thoughts, your dream(s), your fears, your story. Create. Share. Love.

I've had crazy 19 years with y'all (and those who are not on facebook or any other social media i'm posting this on) full of surprises, amazing trips and adventures (vivre dangereusement ;) ;) )pain (like they say; the stars can't shine as bright as they do with the darkness. DONT ASK ME WHO SAYS THAT, IDK Its most likely is a tumblr quote or something like that lel), laughter and love.

And there's nowhere else I'd like to be and no one I would rather be living this life with than the friends and family I have (YALLL).

Peace out,


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