"You're worthless"
"You're a whore"
"You're a slut"
"You're a disgrace"
"You're a nobody"
"Just be dead already"
"You'll never find a place in hell let alone heaven"They kept saying these things to me but that didn't stop that smile that was always on my face. They couldn't stop the way my lips were stretched showing off my perfectly white teeth. Thinking that this was all because of jealousy, I didn't fight back.
But how wrong was I! Hearing him saying those exact words made my heart ache and slowly my subconscious absorbed all these words.
Hence, here I am today, standing in front of the mirror with a sharp shiny metal in my hand. Slowly but surely, I raised the blade pressing it to my wrist and my subconscious replaying those words again and again.
"You're worthless"
"You're a whore"
"You're a slut"
"You're a disgrace"
"You're a nobody"
"Just be dead already"
"You'll never find a place in hell let alone heaven"
The burgundy color start oozing out of my wrists and gradually, forming into a pool in the floor along my limp body which is now free from all those pain.