11. girlfriend

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“We have a daughter?” David asked as Alesha pushed down the bed covers below one of her breasts and she got the baby girl to latch on to her nipple and begin to feed.

“Yes, you have a daughter,” Simon replied. “I saw her gender when Amanda was wrapping her up. And Alesha, you grip is bloody strong.”

Alesha flashed a grin at Simon and Amanda got a plastic bag from the bathroom that had been in the trash can to deliver the placenta. The placenta was delivered into the bag and Amanda helped Alesha to put her nightgown on when the baby girl released Alesha’s nipple and was being held by her father.

The paramedics came into the room shortly after Alesha began to feed the unnamed baby girl and was loaded on a stretcher. She and David said goodbye to Amanda and Simon, the couple grinning with pride.

“Can I talk to you about something, ‘Manda?” Simon asked after David and Alesha left.

“Sure,” Amanda replied. “What do you want to talk to me about, Simon?”

“How do I say this?’ Simon asked, trying to think of how he was going to phrase what he was going to say. Simon wanted to ask Amanda to be his girlfriend and he had been debating about it when it had been a year since her husband had passed away so he was going to try now. Simon had had a crush on Amanda since he had hired her to be a judge with him and that had only intensified when they had their one night stand before Christmas.

Amanda was beautiful and sexy in his eyes although she wasn’t the type that he normally went for and he wanted to act on his feelings but there was still the chance that Amanda was going to say no to being his girlfriend because she wasn’t ready or she just wasn’t ever going to date again.

 “Say what?” Amanda asked curiously. She sat down on the other bed in her hotel room, the one she was probably going to sleep in that night because of Alesha giving birth in her bed.

“W-would you be my girlfriend, Amanda?” Simon blurted out. Amanda’s face turned to shock and Simon sat down next to her. “Would you please be my girlfriend, Amanda?”

“Be your girlfriend?” Amanda repeated. Simon nodded his head in response and Amanda smiled at him. “I would love to be your girlfriend, Simon.”

 “Really?” Simon asked her. "You really want to be my girlfriend, Mandy?"

"Yes, Simon, I want to be your girlfriend," Amanda replied.


Simon and Amanda laid on Simon's bed in his hotel room, watching a movie on his laptop. Amanda was cuddled up to Simon on her side and he had his right arm around her with his hand on her side. The movie's credits started to roll and Simon paused the movie, closing his laptop. He kissed Amanda's forehead and she put her head onto his chest.

Simon played with Amanda's hair and asked, "would you like to spend the night in my room?"

"Sure but all we are going to do is sleep. I-I'm not ready to have sex yet, Simon," Amanda said, sitting up in bed.

"I wasn't saying that we were going to have sex tonight. If you're not ready, that's okay with me, Amanda. All I want to do tonight is cuddle you," Simon replied. "Go get ready for bed and I'll get ready myself."

Amanda got up from Simon's bed and she left the hotel room. Simon got off of his bed and he noticed the erection Amanda had left him with. The way she had been laying meant that one of her breasts were pressed up against Simon's side and her hand had been on top of one of his nipples, brushing it occasionally when her hand moved while they were watching the movie.

Simon was only semi-erect but it was enough that it would take too long for it to subside by itself before Amanda got back. He had only around half an hour to get ready for bed and wank off the erection Amanda had left him with.

Simon went into his bathroom and he turned on the shower, pulling off his clothes. He got into the shower and when he touched his cock, it gave a twitch of interest and he groaned as he started to move his hand up and down his cock.

The warm spray of the water felt good on his body and coupled with the fact he was wanking, he became fully erect extremly soon. Simon moaned with pleasure as his fingers touched the tip of his cock and then went back down to the base of it. If he pretended that Amanda was wanking him off, he would finish quicker so he could wash and be dressed by the time Amanda got back into his room.

Simon though of Amanda with each movement his hand made on his cock and he soon ejaculated on the shower wall. He let go of his flaccid cock and it dropped back in between his legs.

Simon grabbed the bar of soap and he washed his body quickly, trying to remove the smell of his wanking from his hands and his body. He rinsed his body, turning the shower to even warmer water to just rest underneath it.

He got out of the shower and dried off his body, wrapping the towel around his waist and cleaned off the shower wall with another towel. Simon went back into the bedroom and he got out a pair of boxers and pyjama pants from his suitcase. He put them on and he was in bed before Amanda returned with wet hair and in pyjamas.

She got in next to him and cuddled back up to him. She put her head onto his chest again and put her hand beside her head.

"Goodnight, Simon," Amanda said, leaning her head up and kissing Simon's cheek.

"Goodnight, darling," replied Simon.


_] hey guys! So Simon asked Amanda to be his girlfriend? Did anyone predict that or them cuddling in this chapter? What do you think is going to happen next in their relationship? I hope that you liked this chapter and what do you think is going to happen next? Bye until the next chapter!

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