15. sleep

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Simon began to stir in his sleep. It felt like someone was watching him and Amanda sleep. A door shut and it sounded like Amanda's bedroom door but Amanda was still laying with her head on Simon's chest.

He opened his eyes and the bright light of the sun flooded the bedroom. Amanda was still asleep, cuddled up to him with her head on his chest and a hand on his chest. Simon's hand travelled downwards to Amanda's arse and he placed a palm on it. Amanda's eyes opened blearily and she looked up at him.

"Good morning, darling. Are you copping a feel of my bum?" She asked him with a laugh.

"Yes. I didn't quite get a good feel of it last night while we were shagging," Simon replied. He moved his hand up and down Amanda's arse, rubbing it gently. Her back arched and she breathed deeply, almost as if she was trying to suppress a moan. Amanda tilted her head up and she kissed Simon's lips.

"You'll have to get a better feel of it the next time we shag," Amanda said. She sat up in bed and noticed that the door was partially open when she and Simon had closed it all the way the night before. “Did we not close the door all the way because I swear we did.”

“We did close it all the way. Do you think the girls and your mum is here and they saw us?” Simon asked her in reply. He sat up in bed and reached for his boxers and his sweatpants. He pulled them on underneath the covers and he handed Amanda her knickers and sweatpants while he searched for his shirt.

Amanda got out of bed, pulling on the knickers and sweatpants and found Simon’s shirt on her side of the bed laying in a heap on the floor. She gave him the shirt and he tossed it on while Amanda clasped her bra back on and put on her own shirt. When they were both redressed in their clothes from the night before, they went downstairs to find Amanda’s mother, Judith, sitting at the table with Amanda’s daughters.

“Morning, Mum,” Amanda said as she went to the coffee maker and turned it on. “Do you want coffee, Simon?”

“Sure,” Simon replied. Judith glanced at Simon and then glanced at the hickeys on Amanda’s collar bone, raising an eyebrow at both of them. Amanda handed Simon a cup of hot coffee and they both sat down at the table by Judith.

“Did you two have fun last night?” Judith asked, eyeing Amanda’s hickeys again. Amanda and Simon blushed and Amanda nodded, taking a sip of her coffee to avoid having to talk.

“Why were you and Mummy naked in bed, Simon?” Hollie asked innocently. She had no idea that Amanda and Simon had shagged but Lexi blushed, which told Amanda and Simon that Lexi had figured out what her mum and boyfriend were doing the night before.

“We were having fun last night that required us to be naked,” Simon replied to the question.

“What kind of fun?” Hollie asked as Simon took a sip of his coffee and Amanda almost choked on her coffee.

“We were bouncing in my bed, Hollie, and because we get sweaty from it so we have to take off our clothes,” Amanda replied. She blushed and hid her face by taking a sip of her coffee.

“Is my daughter now your girlfriend, Simon?” Judith, Amanda’s mother asked.

“Yes, she is,” Simon answered. “We’ve been dating for over a week now, Mrs. Holden.”

“He’s been good to me so far and Simon’s a cuddler,” Amanda added. “We’ve only slept in the same bed twice, three time if you include what happened before Christmas to us.”

“Have you gone on any dates with Simon yet, Mum?” Lexi asked.

“I have. We had our first date here at home last night. We were watching a movie,” Amanda replied and she took another sip of her coffee. “You can watch the movie we watched when you’re much older, Lexi, before you ask.”

Lexi closed her mouth as she was about to ask the question that Amanda answered for her of when she could watch the movie her mother and her boyfriend had watched.


Simon and Amanda cuddled later that night as Simon ended up staying a second night but he brought Eric to spend the night as well. All the children in the house had been put to bed so Simon and Amanda got into bed early. Amanda was currently on top of Simon and they were snogging. Her legs were on either side of Simon’s body and she was almost on top of his crotch, which was beginning to press into her inner thigh.

They kissed and she started to move her body on his, making Simon’s erection grow larger but he stopped her moving by placing a hand on her waist and one on the small of her back. Simon smirked at her and took Amanda’s nightgown off to see that she only had on knickers underneath it, and this made Simon’s smirk become larger.

“No bra tonight, darling?” he asked her.

“Yes, no bra,” Amanda replied. He flipped them so that Amanda was on the bottom and they resumed snogging. Amanda’s hands went to the hem of Simon’s pyjama shirt and he allowed her to pull it off of his body. Simon kissed down Amanda’s neck and to her collar bone, biting at the skin gently. Amanda moaned with appreciation and her legs wrapped around Simon’s back.

“We have to be quiet, Amanda. There are children,” Simon reprimanded.

“But you’re the one making me moan, Simon,” Amanda retorted to her boyfriend.

He bit down harder on Amanda’s collar bone and she bit back the loud moan that was trying to come out of her mouth. Then Simon did his best to make Amanda scream his name with pleasure that night.

[_] hey guys! This is sort of a filler chapter until Amanda and Simon's next date. What do you think is going to happen next and what did you love about this chapter? It was fun to write Judith's reaction to Amanda and Simon dating. Bye until the next chapter!

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