The Wedding

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*Bailey's pov*

That's how it happened, how I ended up here. I get up and take a shower when I get back in my room Luke is awake sitting on the edge of my bed. I go to my closet I wear a minecraft t-shirt and some jeans and sandals. When I am finally dressed I sit on the bed next to Luke. He looks at me and smiles.

*Luke's pov*

When I smiled at her she leaned in and kissed me. When her soft lips touched mine it felt like heaven and I didn't want to stop. After the kiss she told me that I should leave and I agreed. I walked to my car and got in I finally realized that I am getting married. But its to the girl I love so why am I not happy. I tell myself to snap out of it and I drive home.

*Bailey's pov*

When Luke left I didn't have anything to do so I logged onto minecraft. All of a sudden I started feeling nauseous and I thought it was just wedding jitters little did I know I was wrong.

*1 month Later*

It was the day before my wedding and I was in the bathroom with a pregnancy test. Yes I know you are probably saying you idiot why didn't you use protection well get in line. I know I should of used protection that night but it all happened so fast.

A few minutes later I checked the stupid test and my worst nightmares came to life the little stupid pink plus sign. It's fine thought I am getting married right? Everything is going to be ok. I am going to get married tomorrow and then me and Luke are going to have children together and be one big happy family. And it's only one kid it can't be that bad with two people. Boy I sure was wrong about everything.

*The day of the wedding*

Oh My Gosh it's the day of the wedding and my dress doesn't fit. Holy crap when your pregnant why does your stomach have to get bigger until you can't fit any of your clothes whoever came up with that rule needs a piece of my mind.

I don't have time to get the dress fixed so I suck in and my mom ties it as loose as she can and everything is fine because I really love this dress it causal, long, it flows, doesn't have alot  of diamonds just a few crystals and not much ruffles, just lace. I absolutely love lace it's so elegant yet fun at the same time.

When my makeup and hair is done and all of my people's are in place they start going down the aisle and then it is finally my turn the music starts and my dad starts to walk me down the aisle. All I see is Luke's face and how much quicker I wanna get there.

The music finally stops and I am standing next to Luke. The pasture asked me if I would take Luke to be my husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health and as long as I shall live I say yes of course. When the pasture asks Luke he turns to me and I thought I was going to die "I am so sorry Bailey I can't do this" and he starts to run down the aisle I just wanted to shout and tell him that I was pregnant but I just couldn't I just stood there in shock as I watched him run away with his child growing inside of me.

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