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hey y'all i'll keep it short and sweet let's go

this guy slid into my dm's. this is how it went

"i want to have a relationship with you"
"well too bad buckaroo"

that was fun

this was such a heckling stressful week. i stayed up until 4 on wednesday and cried. a kiddo spilled my coffee

drama is so fun. i see my friends more and my parts are cool. i'm very excited for the little mermaid

we have a band concert in two sundays and the other bass clarinet hasn't played since the 15th of november. he probably sucks

socials studies sucks. it's really ew. we just do lame web quests and talk about his life. it's lame. and one of the two friends i have in that class was absent for the past three days and that wasn't cool

we got new spanish seats and they aren't good. i have to sit directly across from dm guy. and my cool spanish friends are so far away

(this is from a while ago but i never posted it so here)

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