Chapter 30: Revelation

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↳ Monday

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↳ Monday

Jan. 16th↲

Jughead and I walked towards the lunch tables, where I saw everyone chatting. I wasn't too sure if they were eagerly or angrily chattering.

Once we arrived at the table, I was met with a gigantic hug from Kevin as he squealed: "CATHERINE!"

It was the girliest thing I had ever seen him do, but I was still grateful. I couldn't help but laugh and hug him back even tighter.

Once he finally let go, I was met with everyone else, who seemed to be happy about my return.

"I'm glad to see you back, Cath," Archie said with a slight smile.

"Yeah," I nodded, finding that I was shaking intensely. "I'm glad to be back," I forced a smile.

I was happy! I really was. But the sheer fact that I left such good friends made me feel guilty, and that guilt outweighed that happiness. I felt as though I didn't deserve to be happy. I deserved them to hate me. I was still relieved nonetheless that they weren't, proving the fact that I didn't deserve them.

"So...?" Veronica leaned forward, raising her eyebrows as she gave a quizzical smirk. "Spill the deets. Where did you go?"

I sat down and ran through the whole story, from leaving Riverdale all the way to running into Jughead. As I told my wild tale, everyone was responsive with questions and reactions, besides Betty. She was smiling and nodding, but I could tell that she was distant. Probably because of her and Jughead having their kiss, which I wasn't mad at her for. Although, I did feel as though we should talk about it.

At the end of my storytelling, Kevin leaned close to me and said a little too loudly: "So what about you and Jughead?"

"Kevin. I can hear you," Jughead shot a glare at Kevin.

I looked around to see that everyone was genuinely interested, their eyes wide as they looked between Jughead and I. I then looked at Jughead, who also seemed lost.

"We're uh, taking a break," I said. "Right? Is that what it is?"

"Something like that," he gazed at my eyes, then at my lips, and back to my eyes. Chills went down my spine, but it could've been anything. I probably had something in my teeth.

I looked at everyone for a reaction, to which they seemed content with me and Jug's situation. I didn't know why I needed so much validation from all of them. Maybe it was because I didn't want to disappoint them any more than I already had.

The bell rang, and all of us got up and left. Jughead went ahead with Archie, while Betty caught up with me.

 Jughead went ahead with Archie, while Betty caught up with me

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