Chapter 10: Conflict

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↳ Tuesday

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↳ Tuesday

Nov. 1st ↵

Betty had her bags packed once again, ready to leave my house. We both stood near the front door, and I watched as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"You sure you'll be alright at Veronica's place?" I asked, eyeing her and her bags. "You're always welcome to stay longer."

Betty smiled and nodded confidently as if she was ready to go on another adventure. "Yep! I feel like I haven't thanked you enough for letting me crash here," she spoke, humble.

"You're fine," I reassured. "It'll feel weird without you here though."

"I'll visit," she winked.

Then we heard the sound of two honks from a car outside. I quickly walked up and hugged Betty, who hugged me back. We said our goodbyes, and just like that, she was gone.

My parents weren't home, which was why they couldn't say their goodbyes. I was left home alone with me and my laptop. I threw some pictures in Photoshop and touched them up before I got a text.

Derek 💕: Good morning

Me: It's two in the afternoon?

Derek 💕: irrelevant. When can I see you again?

Me: Idk. School?

Derek 💕: Lame. Meet me in the field behind school

Me: ok???

I decided to walk to the football field instead of driving my car there, because of my previous experience. It was a bit chilly out, but my baggy sweater solved that problem. I tucked my hands underneath my sleeves, clutching the ends to contain the warmth.

Once I made it to the field, I practically stood in the middle and looked around for him, until I saw him on the top of the bleachers smoking a cigarette.

I strolled over to him to find that it wasn't a cigarette. It was a blunt. I climbed the bleachers and finally plopped down beside him. Immediately, he handed the blunt over to me.

"Want a hit?" He asked, before coughing a bit.

I shook my head. "I don't do drugs."

He scoffed with a grin, then saying "Goodie two shoes."

I shot a glare, which he quickly noticed and started laughing.

"It's true!" He defended himself. "I mean, you have pretty much straight A's, you have two parents, a nice house, and you don't even do drugs! It's just-..." he sighed.

"What?" I leaned over.

He looked at me dead in the eye and said: "Why are you dating me?"

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