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Narrator's p.o.v.

"Sooo when are you going to tell Craig that you're cheating on him?"

Ray asked Miya as he walked over to her hospital. She was confused because she thought sleeping with Roc was all a dream but once she started thinking harder, the more details she was remembering.

"H-how do you know?"

"It doesn't matter. Just know if you don't do exactly what I want you to do, ill make your life a living hell."

Two days passed before Miya got out of the hospital but when she did, Ray made her come straight over to his house. Once she got there, he grabbed her & kissed her roughly.

"Omg Ray! What the fuck are you doing?"

She yelled as she tried to break through his grasp but he was too strong for her.

"Because this is payback!"

"Pay back for what? What did I ever do for you?"

"When you screwed me over & got with Craig instead of me."

"You promised you'd never hold that against me! "

Miya's p.o.v.

For two months, I worked as Ray's sex slave. This time, I was sure that I wasn't dreaming because I'd pinched myself plenty of times & even ran into a few walls on some occasions. I was on the corner when I seen a familiar car pass by. Once I saw it, I started to run but the person just pressed harder on the gas, caught up with me, pulled the car over, chased me until I was caught, then drug me back to his car.

I woke up in the hospital. I promise you that I was beyond tired of having to wake up in a hospital bed. This time, it still wasn't a dream. It was more like a nightmare. Ray was sitting there with an eerie expression on his face while everyone greeted me. I left pain in between my legs & it hurt like hell.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Someone attacked & raped you Miya! Why the fuck were you downtown in a hooker dress in the middle of the night?"

My sister said as she shifted her weight to her right hip with her hand on her hip. I glanced over at Ray who looked at me like he would kill me if I said something. I looked back & forth between the two of them, contemplating on if I was about to tell what had been going on. How Ray forced me to work the corners & follow all his rules just because I didn't want to be with him. I'm sure he could go to jail but at the same time, how was I gonna tell my sister I was sleeping with her boyfriend?

Step brother [A Prodigy Short Story] *completed*Where stories live. Discover now