forbidden love

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Miya's p.o.v.

I was anxious the entire time we were riding. I had no idea where Prod planned on taking me and I didn't want to bug him about it either. It was just so awkward that he was being so nice. I kind of.... Liked it... In a step brother & sister type way of course... I think.... After about an hour of driving, we finally pulled up at the mall. I was slick excited but and I guess Craig could tell.

Craig- you like coming to the mall?

Me- duh! I'm a girl! Shopping is in my blood!

He just shook his head and let a little chuckle escape his throat. We got out the car & headed for the entrance. I decided to lock my arm with his, reassuring him I planned on enjoying this day. We went inside some music store & I immediately rushed over to the "beats by dre" head phones they had hanging on the wall. I'd always wanted a pair but never had enough money to get any. Ci promised she would with the little money she made helping out at the hair shop but mommy always asked Ci to borrow money so she was never able to get me any. I knew she would one day though. I rubbed my hand across the box, just wishing. I felt someone come up behind me & lay their arm across my shoulder. I looked over to see Craig staring at the headphones too.

Craig- you want a pair of these?

Me(heavy sigh)- yea. Ci is gonna get them for me one day.

Craig- ill get them for you.

I gasped & looked over at him. He looked back at me with a very sincere face. I really wanted to say yes but I just... Couldn't.

Me- no.. Ci promised when she gets the money she-

Craig- what's your favorite color?

Me- (looks at him crazy with a raised eye brow)- umm green... Why?

He stared at the boxes of head phones, then his eyes lit up when he found the ones he wanted. He walked over to the counter, paid for them, then we left out. In the pit of my stomach I was oober jealous & I could tell I was showing it. I thought he was buying them for me but once he didn't hand me the bag, I got a little mad.

Craig- what's wrong with you Miya?

Me(attitude)- nothing Craig.

I folded my arms and he stepped in front of me stopping me in my tracks. I wasn't trying to show that I was jealous, I just.... I really wanted those head phones. He reached his arms out and put his hands on my shoulders and stared in my eyes.

Craig- tell me what's wrong with you?

Me- because! I just wish I could get those head phones & you just bought them like it was nothing!

Craig- oh foreal? That's how you feel?

I rolled my eyes & pursed my lips to keep from laughing. Him & Roc look at too many Emmanuel Hudson videos. I shook my head & loosened from his grip to continue walking. He caught up and handed the bag at me. I stopped walking and looked at him with a raised eye brow. Ugh he's so full of shit.

Me- I could slap your face off of your face right now! I know you heard me say Ci can't afford them for me yet. & now you gonna taunt me?

I stood there with my right hip tossed to the side with my lips pursed & I mean mug from hell. He walked up to me, looked down at me, grabbed my chin, &.....

Craig's p.o.v.

I know it was crazy to kiss Miya in the middle of the mall, but I had to. She didnt pull back either. I bit my bottom lips to taste the traces of her cherry lip gloss that still lingered. We were on the way to the park. She wanted to come here to talk about what just happened. We got out the car and started on the paved trail that circled the park. At first we were silent until Miya broke it.

Miya- So. What does this mean?

Me- what does what mean?

Miya- that kiss. Because to tell you the truth, I felt something from it.

I stopped walking. I felt like now more than ever, was the perfect time to tell get how I feel.

Me- I like you Miya.. I always have.

She looked at my blank for a second then I seen the corners of her mouth curl up into a smile then look down. I pulled her up by her chin & planted a butterfly kiss on her lips.

Miya- this is so wrong Craig. You're my step brother now.

Me- I know. But.. I don't care Miya.

Miya- neither do I....

We walked around the park a few times before we decided to grab some food for ourselves, Ci & Roc, then headed home. When we got there, Ci greeted us with folded arms and pursed lips.

Ci- where the hell have you two been?Why are yall so giggly?

Miya- oh sis relax. Look at Craig got me!

Miya held up the head phones and Ci squealed with excitement & apologized that she couldn't get them for her. We sat down to eat our pizza & Ci looked at us the entire time.

Ci- so you two are getting along now I see?...

Me- yea... We will be from now on.

Ci- oh really? Are yall boyfriend & girl friend yet?

Miya- n- n no what are you talking about?

Ci did the "now you know that you know what I'm talking about face"

Ci- its ok I already know. Roc told me.

I threw him a death stare.

Roc- what ? (Looking lost) she made me tell! She over heard us!

Me- because your ass can't whisper

Ci- ugh get off of that. Bottom line is I know. So what are you guys going to do?

Miya(kanye shrug)- there's not much we can do.

Ci- well you know I got your back sis.

Step brother [A Prodigy Short Story] *completed*Where stories live. Discover now