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Shouts of orders from the cashier to the workers were loud as the almost-packed cafe shop kept being flooded by customers coming for their lunch break.

The youngest waitress,Jenevie yoon was stuck in cleaning the tables and taking out the coffee cups to the dishwasher when she heard screams coming from outside.

Everybody stopped talking as silence took over them. A sound so deafening, even Jenevie had to take deep breaths to calm herself and she even contempolated wether the sound of chatters would be more of an ease instead of this heavy silence.

However, loud explosion made everyone scream in fright.

She then saw thousands of people running outside the shop and as the other customers in the shop was about to but stopped in shock as everybody saw the people that were running now shot to their death.

All the people in the shop were screaming now in fear of their lives.

The manager came out from his office and barked orders at people to hide behind tables for safety.He was a former millitary officer in his early life so him barking orders are pretty normal.

Jenevie looked outside and saw thousands of soldiers with different millitary outfit marching in sync.it was a solid dark blue to match their stoic expressions.

As jenevie scanned the whole place she saw one of them pulling a string and aiming it at the cafe shop she was in.An alarmed look was sketched on her face.

The manager seemed to notice as he shouted in pure horror.


As if on cue the bomb exploded in front of the entrance,giving a full view of the inside of the shop.

Debris dropped everywhere,coating the newly cleaned table that jenevie had cleaned in dust and small chips of cement.

The leader,jenevie thought took long powerful strides inside the now ran-sacked shop.His gun was trained at each people cowering behind turned tables a wicked grin etched on his face.

The leader took the nearest girl behind the wall by her hair and took her in a head lock.seconds later a gun was pointed at her head.

"Make sound and i'll shoot you" he warned the the girl.The poor girl took weak puffs of air as her life was now on the line with a terrorist trying to kill her.

"Sir" the young waitress stood up, "let her go"

"Jenevie!what are you doing!" Her manager hissed at the girl.

"Awwh am i supposed to take orders from a girl now?!!Im scaredd~~"the maniac leader of the terrorist troop mocked her.

"You dont know what's gonna happen to you sir,let her go now" the girl repeated again.

"What are you gonna do now little girl,kill me?" He pushed the barrel of his gun to the head of the hostage he was holding, "Alot of lives are gonna die with this.so if you're trying to be a superhero cut it.you're just a girl"

"I hate to do this sir but..." jenevie's sentence trailed off as she focused her mind on the soldiers with their guns trained at her, "but you deserve this"

The leader stared hard at the girl as she began making weird hand motions with her hands.He was about to come up with a rude retort when it was stopped suddenly as he let go of the girl he was holding while clutching his stomach in pain.

The soldiers who were around tried to fire some bullets to her.well.tried.

The gun that was supposed to shoot the girl stopped in mid-air,jenevie turned her wrist 180° making the bullets to follow short.

She let go of her twisted wrist and let go of the bullets.They bullet were all facing the soldiers now as they were desperate to run away from the scene but it was too late now.

The bullets had punctured into their skin halting their escape as they all laid lifeless on the ground.

The remaining had left seconds earlier which left the leader all alone.

"Wh-what the hell a-are y-you" he stuttered as fear was evident in his stance now.

"Im just a girl sir.good day" that was the last the thing he heard from her as the girl cocked her head sideways the leader following suit,with a sickening crack of the bones and a heavy thud on the cold pavement.

"Holy shit man did you see that"

"Hell yeah man"

Author's note:
i know this one is a bit boring but please just read it, Im pretty sure you guys n g0rls will enjoy it.

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