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Panic rose as the winds blew stronger and the thundering rain seemed to never stop. The sea that was once crystal blue had changed to a dark squirmish blue that pounded crazily to the small canoe boat filled with a small five family, consisting of a father who was closing off a gaping hole in the middle of the boat, a wife pedaling the boat to a nearby shore and three screaming children trying to shovel out the water with their bare hands. One of the kids was so focused on cuping his hands to the murky water when a sharp object penetrated his soft skin and the water began to get coloured crimson.

A croaked moan escaped his lips at the sight. What he thought of a simple splinter was much more horrible. The soft flesh of his skin was exposed after a good inch of the top skin was forcibly removed and blood ran freely down to his wrist.

Tears stained his cheeks at the pain. This kid was not used to feeling pain in the middle of his adrenaline's absence, and now he felt slightly in a blur.

The father who saw how the water was changing into a reddish hue was instantly alarmed as he turned to gaze his surroundings. He let out a scream of pain as he witnessed the event of one of his son fainting and falling behind, almost falling off the small canoe if it wasn't for his two son's effort in clutching onto his clothes.

The mother who stopped to see what was happening was left horrified at the sight of her child bleeding from a very big wound on his hand. The woman began to tear up and hugged her son in her last effort of saying goodbye to the world.

"this is worthless! I thought we could finally be set free!" The father screamed as his level of anguish rose. "Im sorry for not being able to protect my family. Im so sorry "

The two children was silent as they glance up to the sky. A silent cry for help. A cry of desperation. Desperate for safety and to feel Alive.

The waves of the sea slammed itself onto the small canoe and screams of fright echoed in the distance. They were all afraid and not knowing what to do was the worse they could think of.

The father cried as he stared at his wife for the last time.holding each of his kids tight in his arms.This is their aftermath.Dying in the middle of an ocean after leaving a sick country.

"I love you all, my family, my loved ones. Im so sorry for being a bad father" At his words, his wife began to tear up once again. She was shakily holding on to her son who had fainted earlier.

"father, we will be okay. Someone will protect us" his first son said.

The second son stood up excitedly, as if he forgot about their life and death situation. "the legendary poseidon? or the Kai-man?"

The wife chuckled despite feeling the despair earlier. "that is just a myth my dear. It's not real"

"but mother, look!"

The mother turned to face the opposite side, expecting to see nothing when all they saw is a big wave hurling closer to their small canoe . "oh my g-"

"mother, its the ka-"

The two children weren't fazed as the massive wave came closer, but their eyes were eagerly trained to the farfetched distance, where an outline of a muscular man could be seen making his way to their ship.

"The Kai-man is here mother!!" 

Turning around the two parents covered their mouth in shock.

There was a half naked man holding what seems to be a large fork, his eyes glowed blue and intricate lines on his body oozed blue with power.

The man pulled out his large fork, which the father soon realize was a weapon(trident) and threw it to the hostile wave. The wave dissapeared and the water soon lost its darkness, revealing the crystal blue sea

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