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Grey and white furnitures lined the barren room which was painted black along with glass panels to suit the owner's taste. Too much black might remind the owner to his funeral, not to work.

Placing a hand to his temples, he massaged them slowly , gentle circles to ease the infuriating pain. He turned his head to his double doors adjacent to his large mahogany table as the soft steps of his workers aroused his hearing.

Before the person could even knock, the man simply shouted, "come in" .

and in came a laid back female who the man knew as Christy. "Sir, may I enter?"

"you may"

Christy was his new secretary employee. His recently previous one ran away because she couldn't cope with Namjoon's messy planning of scheldues and his tactic of canceling meetings in a narrow duration. But Christy proved him wrong. The girl was able to change his unhealthy habit and now, Namjoon was even better at planing his day than Christy.

"I think I won the game Christy" Namjoon chuckled as he showed her his thickly bound book to her, where the date 1st March flashed into view and under the seperated column, there was no meetings nor discussion.
His day laid empty.

"There's no game Sir" Christy said in a leveled voice which caused Namjoon to sigh at his atempt to crack the solemn lady's demeanor.

If there is one thing he hates about Christy, there would be nothing except for one : her calm exterrior.

She was difficult to be told to smile. However Namjoon was grateful for such. The last time another worker that Christy had smiled, everybody ran away. Including Namjoon himself.

"alright what do you want?"

"the last case of the telekinetic woman happened last 3 days. Today, there is another exposure to a fellow candidate" As Christy said this, she pulled out the Kim Facility Tablet 8.0 . A highly futuristic gadget that supports every wire, with the will to adapt into every kind of chargers , there will be no hassle to take a charger. It is also bulletproof too, guess that adds the cherry on top huh?

But a frown settled to Namjoon's features. His eyes narrowed at the tablet at Christy's hands. "That's the 8.0 version. It wasn't supposed to be owned by anyone"

Christy looked up to Namjoon and did the unimaginable. She smiled.

Instantly Namjoon's blood froze in terror as he stared at her unwavering smile. People would expect Christy to look like a warm looking college girl off to take her first semester, but she looked like a mini Ted Bundy with her cold killer smile.  "you know what, can you not smile?"

Christy let her smile fade as she returned to her boring emotionless face. Namjoon fortunately let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "thanks"

"back to business Sir. Here is the video"

"again?" Namjoon asked nobody as he took the tablet from Christy's hand and begun his observation.

It was recorded from someone, on the  glitching screen of a CCTV camera which was placed on the top corner, giving the viewer of an eagle's nest to the small shop.

The shop was nothing ordinary. There were two boys. One was the cashier who yawned every 2 seconds, earning one from Namjoon in return for the contagious act. And there was another boy who was busy looking around and examining two cartons of what Namjoon guessed was milk. The two boys wore simple clothing, and were minding their own business when a guy cloaked by a phantom mask entered the shop, holding a gun in one hand while malicously looking around for his specific target.

The cashier was a shaking mess by the time the gun was pointed to him. There was a mild glitch that appeared on the screen, causing Namjoon to sigh at the wavering quality.

Namjoon was suprised to the see the boy still picking milk cartons . That was until the voice of the buglar was heard from the video, forcefully commanding the cashier to surrender the money to him.

That was when the boy chosing his goods stopped. He cautiously looked around and Namjoon felt dissapointed when he realized the position the boy was in. He stood under the light, with a hood that shadowed his face partially.

"clever boy"

The boy was painfully fidgetive. He paced fast and thats also what Namjoon took note off. This boy was not just pacing, he was sprinting on his spot. The boy tugged on his hood before he ran as fast as he could to the buglar.

Namjoon's jaw dropped as the boy was no longer seen from the scene as he left his trail in a blur along with the buglar in captive outside the shop.

"impossible" Namjoon moaned in distress. "we can't even see his fa-"

"Jeon Jungkook 18 . High metabolism, superb speed and lightning" Christy cut him off with ease as she proceeds to steal back her so called 'own' tablet.

"english please"

"he's fast..... like really really fast"

"and have you captured him?"

"exactly, Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin organized the kidnapping case of the Jeon kid. He lives alone, his mother visits him only on the sundays and his floor is on the eight level. With Taehyung's strategizing skills and Seokjin's teleportation abilities, Im sure they can ace this" Christy explained to Namjoon who rose from his seat as he saw a helicopter arriving from the distance. A logo of the Kim Facility was there as it glowed under the beating sun just like a diamond.

"and they went without me"

"you were with the Min Yoon Gi guy I suppose. He's currently in his room, vials removed, water levels and oxygen intake is still low and he is quite jumpy based on the Doctors who observed him earlier. An advice for you Sir, let's not make it hard on the boy. He's healing from his traumatic memories"

Namjoon sighed. "I wish I could read his mind Chris, That boy, there's something that the boy hides and... I wish I knew him better"

"Just give him some time Sir" Christy replied. "He is an orphan who witnessed his parents death, survived by thievery, beggars I suppose is the precise word but lived in a motel by stealing the keys from the empty receptionist. He is breathing but he is not necessarilly alive"

A suprising voice chimed into their deep conversation with the precise humour. "that is some deep shat you got there Christy"

Namjoon only chuckled as he turned to face his uninvited guest. "Seokjin Hyung, how did the mission go?"

Another boy peeked out from Seokjin's back, giving everyone a welcoming grin, showing off his bunny teeth. "Great!"

Confusion wracked Namjoon's mind . "and who might you be ?"

The unfamiliar boy lips turned round as he stared at Namjoon. "you act just like Tony Stark! I-I uhm Im spiderman , hold on No .My name is Jeon Jungkook and u-uh nice to meet you?" He drawed out his last sentence with much excitement as he waved crazilly at Namjoon with his handcuffed hands.

Seokjin growled lightly as he began to pull Jeon Jungkook away with just one hand to the back of his neck.

Even from the distance Namjoon could hear Jungkook's protest that soon turned into screaming as he tried to escape Seokjin death grip.

The man turned to Christy who shrugged at her boss so non-chalantly. "high metabolism?"

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