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~Ruby's POV~

6:30, Matt should be here by now, oh well. I placed the note on the kitchen counter and grabbed my bag, keys, jacket and phone before walking to the front door where just as if on cue Matt rang the door bell causing me to laugh. I opened the door to a tired looking Blonde haired, Blue eyed boy stood in a blue shirt "hey" I smiled as I stepped out and shut the door behind me making sure to lock it. 

"How can you be so happy?" he frowned as we walked down the road, "I've always been a morning person" I laughed as I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had any texts or calls, nope. "Waiting for someone?" he smiled as I placed my phone away "just wondering if my friends had called" I smiled sadly remembering how much I miss my friends "It's only half 6" he laughed as we reached the place, quicker than I thought "Mystic Grill" I read the sign out load before following Matt's actions and going inside, it was empty and the chairs were still on top of the tables.

I placed my bag on the bar top and looked around until I spotted Matt placing the chairs the right way up "need help?" I smiled as I walked beside him and putting some chairs the right way up "You don't have to" he smiled "I want to, plus what am I going to do while you work anyway?" I smiled as I continued to help "go do something else that needs doing, I'll do this" I laughed causing him to sigh and walk away, already catching on that I don't back down.

~Time Skip~

"Want me to walk you to the office?" Matt asked sweetly as we walked through the front doors of the school "sure" I smiled as he lead me down various hallways until we reached the office and almost instantly the bell rang causing Matt to look at me with a apologetic look "Text me your time table and I'll meet you before lunch?" He smiled before running off without waiting for my reply causing me to laugh before turning and getting everything I need.

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