Here Comes The Drama.

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I sat in the corner of the room as my eyes admired all my friends, new and old all coming together, sharing stories, getting along and laughing like they had known each other for years and years. This is a moment I'll remember. The moment everything was pure bliss, no drama, no worries, no fights. Just us all laughing at memories and moments while absent-mindedly creating our own.

"They all seem to be getting along" a male voice said from behind me with a obvious smile, "ye, they are" I smiled as I kept my gaze on my friends as I took a sip of my now cold coffee, "aren't you worried?" he asked while working his way round and sitting on the arm of the chair, "about what?" I asked confused as I looked into his warm eyes, "that you're going to drift from them? You're so far away, and when you all go to college? Nothing lasts forever" he suggested looking into my eyes then back over to the others, "I suppose so, but if you live your life in fear, is it really living at all? Even if we did all drift and stop talking, we'll still have the memories to keep our friendship alive. We'll always have them moments" I smiled as I looked back into his eyes, "you're really smart" he laughed emptily. "What you two laughing about over here in the corner" Matt smiled curiously, "well Jeremy here called me smart" I laughed in reply as I poked Jeremy's upper arm causing him to send me a playful scowl, "I thought you would have noticed that by now Jer" Matt smiled at him then back at me, sending me a small wink.

"Matt seems fond of you" Elena laughed as she took a seat at the table across from me, "I'm not really looking for anything right now, but if it's right, I wont have a choice" I laughed as I leaned forward almost as if it was a secret, "he's a sweet boy, kind, generous" she smiled in admiration of her bestfriend. "You two dated once right?" I asked as I drew patterns on the dark wood with my finger, "ye, but that's all in the past now. I love Stefan" she smiled her eyes sparkling slightly as she said his name, "I can tell" I smiled. It made me a little jealous, I've never felt love like that. Not the type that made me ache for them every moment, maybe a new place will change this. I thought to myself as I looked over at the group, still engorged in a fit of laughter but two things caught my eye. Matt's small wink and smile sent my way and Jeremy's death stare at the back of Matt's head. Here comes the drama.

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