You Don't Know My Friends.

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The walk up to the table felt like the walk of death, I've never been good at making friend's.

"Guy's this is Ruby, Ruby Johnson" Matt smiled as he took a seat next to a beautiful blonde haired girl, "Take a seat newbie" A muscular boy said with short brown hair "woof" I barked pretending to be a dog following orders before sitting next to a guy who looked too old to be in school who was wearing a leather jacket and had Ice blue eyes.

"I'm Elena" A girl with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes smiled kindly "Nice to meet you Elena" I smiled in return, "I'm Stefan" Stefan smiled, he had his arm wrapped around Elena's waist, his green eyes showing nothing but kindness "Stefan" I nodded kindly "Tyler" the brown haired boy said, he was kind of rude. I don't think we'll get along. "Excuse Tyler, I think he's on his period" a tanned girl smiled causing me to laugh "I'm Bonnie" she smiled "I'm Damon, Stefan's older brother" the boy next to me said, he seemed nice but his look gave off another vibe "aren't you too old to be here?" I smirked raising my eye brow "good observation" he smiled without really answering my question, "I'm Caroline" the blonde next to in between me and Matt smiled, she was definitely the prep of the group. "I'm Matt" Matt smiled causing me to laugh "No way, I would never have guess" I laughed as he smiled a goofy grin my way.

"We're having a movie night tonight, want to come?" Elena smiled as we all walked back into school, even Damon, which I thought was strange "sure" I smiled "see you later then" Elena smiled before heading in a different direction with Caroline and Bonnie, "so, how did you meet Matt?" Stefan asked as he smiled between me and Matt "I moved in yesterday and he came and gave me cake" I smiled at Matt then at Stefan "did he bake or buy it?" Tyler laughed "he brought it" I laughed causing The boys to laugh.

"You sure you're okay with this?" Matt asked as I locked the door behind me "I'm going to be here a while, I need friends" I laughed as we began walking towards Matt's truck "okay, but if you want to leave then tell me okay?" He asked as he started the car "okay, I don't see why I'd want to though" I shrugged as I fastened my seatbelt "you don't know my friends" Matt sighed a little to seriously for my liking.

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