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"The Tesseract has awakened. It is in a little world, a human world. They wield its power, but our ally knows it's working so that they will never learn. He's ready to lead, and our force, our Chitauri will follow. The world will be his and the universe yours. And the humans, what can they do, but burn?"


Fury enters the lab facility, where the Tesseract is being held.

"Talk to me, Doctor," the director asks. Selvig emerges from behind the CMS machine, concerned. The Tesseract is glowing unusually brighter and flare rings shoot out at random.

"Director" he answers.

"Is there anything we know for certain?"

"Tesseract is misbehaving." the doctor says with a smirk.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asks, eyeing him seriously.

"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, but she's also...misbehaving."

"How soon until you pull the plug?"

"She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..."

"We've prepared for this, doctor. Harnessing energy from space."

"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation."

"That can be harmful. Where's Agent Barton?"

"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual"

They look up and see Barton on the railings. The director calls him on his earpiece. The agent comes down from his place and walks up to Fury.

"Agent Barton, report to me," Fury says as they both start walking around the facility. "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."

"I can see better from a distance."

"Are you seeing anything that might - set this thing off?"

"Doctor, it's speaking again." a scientist calls to Dr. Selvig.

"No one has come in nor left the room. Its oven is clean. No contacts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

"At this end?"

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides."

Suddenly the Tesseract makes a loud, deep resounding noise, shaking the whole facility. Without any warning, a black hole is created, showing the space. The cube bursts, forming blue clouds, blinding everyone. For a second, everything is quiet. The guards slowly approach. Standing in the platform where the Tesseract is being held, there's Loki holding his scepter, with a creepy smile in his face, that vanishes as he looks into Fury, Barton and Selvig's eyes.

"Sir, please put down the spear!" Fury shouts, picking up his gun. Loki looks down at his spear and points to where Barton and Fury are, firing blue exploding lights towards them. Barton pushes Fury to the floor, barely missing the shot. The guards start shooting at Loki, but the bullets don't even touch him. In the blink of an eye, Loki takes down several guards with his scepter. Agent Barton stands up and points the gun at Loki, but the god is faster and grabs Barton's arm.

"You have a heart," he says, raising the spear to the agent's chest. Barton's eyes turn black, then an intense shade of blue. He puts his gun away and stands straight. Loki goes around, using his abilities to control the minds of other S.H.I.E.L.D agents, meanwhile, Fury, as quick as he can, grabs the Tesseract and puts it inside a case "Please don't. - I still need that."

"This doesn't have to get any messier." Fury shouts.

"Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki of Asgard, - and I am burdened with glorious purpose." Loki says with a cocky smile.

"Loki, brother of Thor?" Selvig asks recognizing the name.

"We have no quarrel with your people" the Director speaks.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot," Loki says.

"You planning to step on us?"

"I come with glad tidings, - of a world made free"

"Free from what?"

"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart..." Loki starts saying as he looks to his scepter, pointing it to Selvig's chest. The doctor's eye turns black than blue. "You will know peace"

"Yeah, you say peace, I kind of think you mean the other piece," Fury says as the ceiling start forming blue clouds from the energy of the Tesseract.

"Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow Drop a hundred feet of raw material, he means to bury us." Clint says to Loki, in a robotic way.

"Like The Pharaohs of Odin."Director Fury says with a smirk on his face.

"He's right, the portal is collapsing on itself. You got maybe two minutes before this goes critical" Doctor Selvig speaks looking at the screen of one of the computers they were monitoring the research.

"Well then..." Loki sighs looking at Barton, who without a second thought, shoots at Fury and grabs the case, following Loki out of the lab, with Selvig and the other agents the god had mind controlled.

They all go to the parking lot of the facility, grabbing weapons in the way to the vehicles. Agent Hill watches in confusion.

"Need these vehicles." the Hawk shouts to the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

"Who's that?" Agent Hill asks, suspicious.

"He didn't tell me," Barton answers, as he gets into one off the trucks, with Loki and Selvig.

"Hill, do you copy?" Fury asks through the earpiece, still in the lab. Clint and Loki sharply look at her "Barton is...."

Maria Hill starts shooting at Barton, but he's already on the driver's seat, driving away, shooting back at her.

"He's got the Tesseract! Track it down!"Fury demands through the coms, still in the lab, as storms start bursting out from the vacuum chamber ceiling.

In the parking lot, Hill gets into one of the trucks and starts chasing the truck, exchanging shots with Barton. Loki, who stands on top of the bed of the truck, uses his scepter to take down the other S.H.I.E.L.D vehicles that are following them. Agent Hill puts her self at a distance.

"Let's go, no no no... leave, go." Agent Coulson shouts to the agents who are attempting to grab the boxes and cases with stuff from Phase 2. "We cleared upstairs, sir. We need to go. Director? Director Fury, do you copy?"

Fury hurries up into a helicopter as the whole facility explodes in blue clouds, watching from below. The entire building swallows to itself, a terrifying, unimaginable implosion.

"The Tesseract is with the hostile force. I have men down. Hill?" the Director answers out of breath.

"A lot of men still under, don't know how many survivors." Agent Hill answers, getting her self out of the now buried truck, as she tries to catch her breath.

"Sound the general call, I want every living soul not needing rescue - looking for that briefcase." Fury commands with rage.

"Roger that." Agent Hill answer through her earpiece.

"Coulson, get back to base. This is a level seven. As of right now, we are at war." Fury says angrily.


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