Chapter 2

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Tory got to her room, now empty, and went straight to the shower, to get soberer. 

"JARVIS, pull out files from S.H.I.E.L.D from any accident recently," she asks the AI, looking for her clothes. In her head, she just thought about what might be happening. S.H.I.E.L.D didn't really trust her, not after she hacked them and everything Tony did. 

"Sure Ms. Stark," the AI answers. Victoria gets dressed and goes to her brother's lab, where he's reading what looks like research.

"So what are you doing?" she asks, seating on a chair beside him, looking at the papers spread on the table. 

"Doctor Selvig's research," he answers, not looking at her.

"Apparently he was working with this."

As Tony shows his sister a picture of the Tesseract, the AI stars talking. 

"Ms. Stark, I've got what you asked." 

"So, anything happened?" Tory asks, looking at the computer in front of her, looking into her dad's notes. She was sure she saw that cube in some place.

"Two days ago, a whole facility in the middle of a desert in Mexico exploded. No one knows exactly what happened there, but with S.H.I.E.L.D's files that I have access, I found out it was their lab and it was running some research on the Tesseract," the AI said. With the name Tesseract, something clicks in her head. Tony looks at her. 

"What?" he asks.

"Dad took that out of the ocean," Tory said, now sure. She got up, she couldn't stay put when she was thinking.

"I remember he had a book somewhere in his stuff, about what he discovered about it. I took a look once. It is some kind of energy source."

"But why was S.H.I.E.l.D running tests on it? It really didn't end up nice the last time, did it?" Tony says, glancing at his sister. 

"HYDRA used it with weapons, but I think its powers can be so much more than that," she said.

"After dad's death, it stayed in S.H.I.E.L.D's possession, probably."

"Selvig wrote here somethings about gamma radiation," he says.

"That's why Fury needs you."

"He wants me to track down the cube? Bruce Banner would most likely do a better job," Tory says. She looks up to her brother.

"But who got the cube?"

"That's what we are going to find out," he says looking down at his phone.

"JARVIS get Mark VII ready. How are you going?"

"I'll just steal one of your suits," she says looking to the wall, where some of the Iron Man suits were. 

"No no no," Tony says with wide eyes.

"Go surfing in your robots."

"They are nanobots," she says angrily, correcting him.

"And by the way, I helped you build the suits, so you can't actually forbid me."

"But you don't really need the suit," he says with a grumpy face.

"But I want it to give me a ride, so shut up Tony," his sister says. 

"Just use your things or get the jet as a normal person would do." 

"I'm getting this to my room, it looks interesting," Tory says not paying attention to what he said. 

Victoria gets to her room and starts reading all the researches. Selvig really was a genius. All the things he highlights about the cube, all the things it could really do. The fact that could open some kind of portal. She was so into the research, she didn't realize it was morning until JARVIS spoke. 

"Mr. Stark just headed to Germany, something about a horned man in a green suit and a capcicle." 

She chuckles. Tony and his sassy nicknames. 

"So I guess I need to head to S.H.I.E.L.D's base," she says still looking over the papers in front of her

"Let me finish this."


Natasha watches the skies, in the co-pilot seat, as thunder comes out of nowhere. Fury speaks over her headset.

"He said anything?" he asks, talking about Loki, who was in a seat on the back of the jet, cuffed.

"Not a word," Natasha answers. 

"Stark, anything on your sister?" Fury asks.

"Well, she's not there yet?" Tony questions turning his attention to Captain America, who was surprised Howard Stark didn't only have one kid, but two.

"She's probably arriving." 

"Just get Loki here. We're low on time." 

"I don't like it," Steve says, forgetting the previous thought he had.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony says with his brand smirk.

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop," Cap says with a little of confusion in his voice.

"Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing. Pilates?" Tony asks with an ironic look.

"What?" Steve asks confused.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle," Stark answers in a serious tone of voice. Steve looks at Tony, finally meeting his ego match.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you," Captain Roger says.

" Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you," Tony says. Suddenly, the sky roars with thunders and the jet shakes.

"Where is all this coming from?" Agent Romanoff asks, looking to the sky. Loki stares at the window, worried expression in his face.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?"

"Not overly fond of what follows," he answers, still eyeing the window. 

They hear something hitting the ceiling of the jet, from the outside. Suddenly, the ramp opens and Thor enters, grabbing Loki and flying away.

"Now there's that guy," Tony says, lowering his helmet.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha asks, looking back at the two-man. 

"Think the guy's friendly?" Steve asks.

"Doesn't matter. If he frees or kills Loki, the Tesseract is lost," Tony says, turning to the open back of the jet, ready to jump.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack," Cap says, raising his voice. 

"I have a plan! Attack!" he says and jumps off the jet. Rogers spots a parachute and starts putting it on, to follow Stark.

"I'd let this one out Cap," Natasha advises.

"I don't see how I can," snaps back, getting ready to jump.

"These guys come from legends, they're basically, gods," she tries again.

"There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that," Steve says jumping off.


So are you guys liking this one?
First Avengers fanfic I'm writing, so have no idea how it is going.
I know it's the movie script, but I'm trying to add some different lines.
Well... if you are liking please leave your comment, and if you think I could improve in any part, please let me know.

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