Chapter 7

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Tory opens her eyes and lets them focus on the unknown place. She looks around and sees Banner groaning and breathing heavy. Beside her, Romanoff is struggling, trying to pull her leg off a piece of iron that had fallen over her. Victoria looks up and sees a hole in the ceiling, where it was supposed to be the floor of the lab.

"Engine One is down, Stark you copy that?" she hears Fury into her earpiece. Tory pulls herself up slowly, feeling pain on her back.

"I'm on it!" she hears Tony answers.

Tory approaches Natasha and tries to help her free herself when they both start hearing louder groans coming from Bruce. He grips the floor to try to control himself. Both women look at each other. Victoria feels that the sensor of her nanobots is still on her head, so she calls up to them to lift the big piece of iron. Meanwhile, two men come running to help them, but Nat gives them both a look to make them stop and back off.

"We're okay! Right?" Tory asks looking at Bruce, who is now turning green.

"Doctor... Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me," Agent Romanoff tries to calm him.

"We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never..."

"Your life?" the Hulk's thick voice asks furiously. Tory frees Nat's leg, and they both stand up slowly. Banners body starts to grow bigger and greener. The women give a step back, looking at the huge monster in front of them.

"Bruce?" Tory asks looking up at him before he roars loudly and Natasha pushes her to run for dear life and the Hulk smashes the place they were just some seconds ago.

They start running in the maze of big containers, while the Hulk chases them down, destroying everything that's in his way. Natasha runs with Tory just behind her. They jolt up a stair and Nat maneuvers turbines and pipes in the way just like the black widow should. She looks back to see if Tory is keeping up with her, but the Stark was just beside her, keeping up with her rhythm.

"But...How..." Romanoff was about to ask when the Hulk just pulled some pipes out from the catwalk, just before smashing the floor their feet were seconds before. Both women hand on the handrail from the catwalk. They land on the floor like a cat and start running again, the Hulk roaring louder and getting angrier as he couldn't catch them up.

They quickly hide behind one of the big metal containers, while trying to catch their breath. The floor starts vibrating, rhythmically. Natasha takes her gun out and holds it up. The nanobots around them start forming gigantic balls. They slowly walk out from where they are, just as the Hulk suddenly appears on their left. Tory throws two of the balls on him, that destabilizes the monster. Nat shoots at the pipes of liquid nitrogen that are above the Hulk. With that little time of the confusion of the green thing, Tory and Nat start running again through the endless corridor. They hear the steps of the Hulk again. As both women look back to see, the Hulk appears and raises his hand to slam both of them on the wall.

"Nat look..." Tory was about to say, but the spy didn't see him coming. He throws her on the wall, but Tory is quick and makes the nanobots build a board for her and she dodges his hands. Tory turns to look at Romanoff, who's laid unconscious on the floor. The Hulk looks over to her with a glimpse of something strange in his eyes. Tory, without second thoughts, scream to get his attention "Hey y..."

Before she could say anything else, Thor knocks the Hulk out of his feet through the room. Tory looks to Nat again. She gets out of her board and runs to Agent Romanoff, crouching down beside her. She searches for her pulse, and when she finds it, Tory releases a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"I need medical backup on the lower equipment room, Romanoff is down," Victoria says through her earpiece.

"Backup on the way," Agent Hill answers back. Tory seats on the floor, trying to catch her breath, still a little frightened about what the Hulk could have done minutes before.


Meanwhile, on the bridge, Fury and Hill are over their monitors, shouting orders to everyone. The whole helicarrier was a mess.

"We need a full evac on the lower hangar bay," Fury tells Agent Hill, she nods. Maria turns herself to say the order, just when something was thrown on the floor.

"Grenade!" Hill shouts. The grenade goes off and throws her down the steps. Fury fires on the open entrance and finds cover behind one of the desks, looking over to where he just shot. A bunch of men in black, armed, were just ready to fire. Fury steps up, his gun drawn. He shoots at the men, getting near the entrance each step he takes. A man tries to shoot at him, but the director grabs his arm and spins it, throwing him on the floor. Another guy tries to fire but receives a shot in the head by Hill. Suddenly, a gunfight opens up.

"Sir, the HULK and Thor are in shuttle levels 2, 3 and 4!" someone in the room yells.

"Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart," Agent Hill states out.

"Get his attention," Fury simply answers.

"Escort 606, proceed to 270 MAIN SHUTTLE! Don't get too close," Hill shouts on her comms.

The gunfight settles down, but more men keep coming in, making Fury confused. He didn't know why they kept coming but was still shooting at them.

"They are not getting through here, so what the hell..." Fury started saying, but suddenly, an arrow comes buzzing through the air, that explodes. Not a second later, another arrow is shot into Fury's direction, but instead, it hits his command desk, right above a USB. Fury fires at where Barton was hidden, but he was long gone. The arrow he shot self-activates and inserts itself into the outlets. It hacks every mainframe and monitor. Engine One shuts off and the helicarrier tilts to one side.

"Sir, we've lost all power in Engine 1," one of the agents informs the director.

"It was Barton. He has taken out our system. He's heading to the detention level. Anyone copy?" Fury asks through his earpiece.

Back to the lower equipment room, Tory was still on the floor, looking at nothing specifically. She wakes up with Fury's voice on her ear.

"This is Victoria Stark and I copy," Tory says getting to her feet.

"Wait... Victoria, you're not able to take him down," Hill says, but she was already on her way.

"He's a trained agent Stark," Fury tries, but Tory wouldn't listen. For the first time, she was going to see if her hard training served for something.


So, I was thinking, when this story end, I think I'll start a new one, but like, without the script. What do you think? 

I'd like to have people's opinion on this, not really sure what to do. 

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