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     The paladins rased throw space doing flips and tricks, anything to cut each other off and win the race to the unknown. It felt weird to Keith being red's passenger apposed to her pilot but he was impressed by the way the former blue paladin handled her. Unlike Keith, Lance was gentle on red's controls, something Keith never had to learn to do to control his lion, and while Lance was at times an airhead he was rational compared to Keith's impulsiveness.

"We should be approaching the rift in just a tick," Allura stated throw the com system in their helmets.  

The team looked out of their lions to see what looked like a crack in the endless galaxy background. a hard pull on the lions drug the team closer to the rift.

"pidge what was that!"Shiro screamed 

"i-it the rift," she answered sounding just as worried, "its' gravity is going to suck us in."

"everyone retreat, try to get as far away as possible," Shiro commanded his team.

Everyone grab their controls, pulling, pushing, anything they could think of to try to get a response from their lions, but none came

Hunk said terrified, "Guys my lion is not responding."

"I don't think any of ours are," Shiro reply in a rare tone of defeat.

Allura cried out, "what do we Shiro"

     that was the last thing Keith and Lance head from the team before they were all engulfed by the rift. the lion was unstable, shaking vigorously as it spun out of control. the inside of the rift almost look psychedelic, colors fading and starting at what seemed random until they were surrounded by a blue sky and falling towards the green ground.

"Keith!" lance cried as they crashed into the ground, " Keith are you okay"

Keith touched the cut on his forehead. a little bloody but not bad "yeah lances, I'm fine"

"Thank god" Lance whispered to himself, "okay, let's go check out the plant."

"Sounds good," Keith said as they unbuckled themselves. as they walk out of the red lion the familiar surrounding stopped the young men in their tracks. The blue sky filled with white clouds, the purple mountains, green grass, trees.

"Lance," Keith whispered, "Lance, are we on-"

"E-Earth?" a teary Lance finished.

Through Space & Time (Voltron time-travel AU)Where stories live. Discover now