"MILKSHAKES!" the six-year-old boy squealed with glee as he ran toward the kitchen. Shiro ushered Allura to the bench patting the spot next to him. She awkwardly sat next to him
"What's happing?" Allura questioned the older man.
"I have absolutely no idea," Shiro replied banging the back of his head against the wall.
"Are you mad?" Allura asked, staring at her feet.
"What! no," he reassured her, combing his white bang as he chuckled, "honestly, I'm just glad he didn't bring home another lizard"
"lizards, really?" She said trying to sound as if she knew what he was talking about. when in fact she really had no clue. Allura looked a Shiro examining him, he hadn't changed at all, same haircut, same charismatic personality, the same everything. well, that's not true, his arm was different. while the base was very similar, this arm had a strong resemblance to the armor the paladins wore. it looked like it was made from the same metal and had similar lights decorating the whole thing.
"Pidge and Hunk made it for me," Shiro stated interrupting her though prosses
"Pardon," she said sounding a bit more started than she had wished
He covered his arm absentmindedly, "I lost my other prosthetic a battle, I don't remember which one but, while I was in the healing pod they crafted this one."
"I'm sorry" Allura murmured not quite knowing how to react to an event that hadn't happened yet
"Don't be," He chuckled, "my other one couldn't fire orbs of quintessence at high velocities"
"Major upgrade," She laughed along with him until a small head pop around the corner.
"Dad the milkshakes are ready," Alfor stated proudly showing his father the glasses.
They made their way to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. both Allura and Shiro turned to get it but Shiro quickly coaxes Allura to stay while he opened the door. good thing too because it was Keith and Lance, his Keith and Lance.
"Shiro we have a problem" Lance screamed with as much dramatic flair as he could muster, making the swaddled baby Keith was holding started to cry from the change in volume.
"Lance, I just got her to sleep," Keith complained as he started to bounce the little girl to claim her down.
"Anyway," Shiro interrupted the now bickering couple, "it a good thing you came because I have a problem as well."
"Shiro while I'm sure your problem is disarming I can promise you our is worst" Lance assured him
"first of all, while I appreciate the pun, I'm almost a hundred percent sure you used that word wrong, and second, I highly doubt your problem could possibly be worst" Shiro retorted
"Shiro," Keith said, "while Lance is overdramatic as hell we're completely serious."
"ok," Shiro said putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose, "what's your problem exactly."
"that would be us," the younger lance said, bring attention to both him and the younger Keith.
Shiro jaw droped as he stared at the younger paladins before he called into the house groaning, "Alfor we need four more milkshakes, uncle Klance is here."

Through Space & Time (Voltron time-travel AU)
Fiksi Penggemarafter being sucked into some sort of rift the paladins find themselves on earth. more than excited they try to find were they left their lives only they find a lot more than expected