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S.H.I.E.L.D. has fallen, HYDRA has risen. When everything was lost, I was told that I couldn't follow, that I was too dangerous so, instead they put me into water tank and hooked me up to a machine that would keep me alive and said they'd be back in a few weeks.

That was a lie, they never came back for me.
I was left there to be forgotten. I kind of wish my mother had taken me to my father but, that was never an option.

Once she brought me to S.H.I.E.L.D., she left and never came back.

AN: this is basically a look into Serena's past also you should know that her abilities are very much inspired by StarFire's abilities mixed with my ideas for her and yes I'm very much aware that StarFire is in the DC comics but just go with it, okay?

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