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"So, you're telling me that you have this ability to not only shoot light beams from your hands but, you can also shoot laser beams from your eyes?" Wanda said in a slightly excited tone.

Serena nodded and said,"I'm pretty sure I can do more but I'd need to practice since I never got to because I was always wearing these cuffs that kept my powers under wraps. I think they were made from Veridimite."

"Well, don't worry you'll never have to wear those god awful cuffs again." Wanda promised.

Serena had never really felt this close to someone near her age before. It was a wonderful feeling.

Wanda helped Serena get a hold of her abilities so that way she wouldn't accidentally hit Steve or a member of his team, let's just say it was a lot of work but totally worth it.

While Wanda was helping Serena clean up the edges of controlling her abilities, Steve had gathered Bucky, Sam, and Barton and brought them to one of the empty rooms at the base.

"Steve, what's this about?" Barton asked not really in the mood for all this secrecy especially about the mysterious girl.

"It involves Serena, we found her at an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. facility hooked up to a machine. I've been keeping tabs on her ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. fell," Steve started as he took out a classified file on Serena.

"According to this file, she's Tony's daughter."

There was complete silence until, Sam said,"So, you're telling me that our little red head is the offspring of devil stark?"


"Yeah, I definitely see it since she tried to attack you."

"Woah, woah.. she tried to attack you?" Barton asked shocked.

"It was self-defense."

"I can't wait for you to tell Tony that you hit his daughter on the head with your shield, he'll just love that." Bucky muttered with an eye roll.

"Oh, hush you. I told the kid I'd find her dad, but how do I tell Tony I have her with this feud going on?" Steve said truly feeling the stress of the situation.
"You'll find a way, Cap. You always do." Barton said as he got up to leave.

As Barton walk down the corridor to head towards the kitchen, Serena was heading in the direction he came from but stopped when she saw Barton.

"Oh, hello, I don't think I've met you yet, I'm Serena."
"Hey, yeah, I've heard of you. The name's Clint but you can call me Barton."

Barton didn't know how to feel, this was one of the kids S.H.I.E.L.D. was protecting, he never met her when he was an agent but he knew of her. I guess he felt guilty for not telling Tony about her.

"You kind of look familiar, were you one of my doctors at S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

That question really bothered him, the kids were only given one doctor and that was for checking vitals and other health purposes. So, why did this kid have multiple doctors?

"Sorry kid, I wasn't a doctor at S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Oh.. maybe I saw your face somewhere then."
"I was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. but, I never got a chance to meet you."

"Well, now you do." Serena said as she smiled and told Barton she was gonna try and find Bucky.

Barton was going to make sure that no matter what, Serena was going to make it back to Tony. He owed Tony at least the chance to have his daughter in his life, plus Serena would at least be safe with Tony.

Serena ran through a bunch of different hallways on a mission to find Steve and Bucky but, mainly Bucky and show them what she learned she could do.

Once, she finally found them plus Sam as well she started talking about how amazing Wanda was and his she discovered a new ability of hers. She was so eager to show them and so, she did. Serena put all of her focus on conjuring a light beam but instead of it hitting the three men. It moved similarly to the movements of a snake, very whimsical and elegant. It was almost as if the light beam was alive.

"That's not even the best part."

Serena threw her arm back, almost as if she was using a whip, and the light beam followed her movement perfectly. She then threw her arm forward which again, made the light beam follow her movement but this time instead of staying near her, the light beam wrapped itself around Sam's leg.

Sam freaked out but was so proud of the red head and Steve and Bucky were just as proud, if not more.

Bucky walked up to Serena and gave her a proud smile and hugged her. Serena forgetting about the ability hugged him back and in doing so dragged Sam across the floor.

She apologized and removed the light beam before thinking, I feel right at home.

It was a wonderful feeling, it made her feel all warm inside. She hoped this feeling would last forever but, not every story has a happy ending.

AN; so things are starting to thicken up, like the doctors and Barton looking familiar to Rena. I hope you guys enjoy Rena's moments with Bucky as much as I do!! Would you guys want a filler chapter on Rena's backstory? Like later on in the story? But, anyways that's all for now!! 💓

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