Part 11

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Part 11

October 28, 2013

Kelli's POV:

I'm really excited about RAW tonight because we're in Detroit, Michigan and my family is coming to see me wrestle "I can't wait to see my family" I said to Roman as I sat on the couch in the Shield's locker room while he put his vest on.

"I can't wait to meet them" he said.

"You nervous?"

"A little"

I took his hand into mine "Don't worry they'll like you especially my mom" he smiled a little then Seth and Dean walked in "What's up lovebirds?" Seth asked setting his bag down.

"Nothing much. What's up with you two?" I asked.

"Same nothing much" Dean answered then security walked by and saw me "Kelli you have visitors in your locker room" he said.

"Okay thanks" I looked back at Roman "Ready?" he nodded we walked to my locker room the first person I saw standing outside the door was my cousin Bobby "Bobby!" I took of running and jumped into his arms making him stumble a little and laugh "Hey little cuz" he said hugging me.

I pulled away to look at him noticing he is wearing his military uniform, he's in the marines my family and I are proud of him "You got your orders?" I asked.

He nodded "Yeah. I leave tomorrow morning"

"Promise you'll come home safe?"

"I promise" he looked behind me to see Roman "So you're Kelli's boyfriend?" he asked sounding like a big brother.


"You taking good care of her?"

"Yes I am"

"Promise to still take care of her while I'm over in Iraq?"

"I promise"

Bobby looked back at me and smiled "He's a keeper Kel don't let him get away" I smiled then introduce Roman to my family we all talked till it was time for RAW to start I walked my family to their seats they gave me hugs and kisses for good luck, on my way back to my locker room I went to see Roman but when I got to Shield's locker room I saw Seth and Dean "Where's Roman?" I asked.

They looked at me "We thought he was with you" Dean said.

"He was till I walked my family to their seats he said he was coming back here" at this point we all looked at each other with concern then we split up to look for him.


 "Have you guys seen Roman?" I asked walking by Cody and Goldust "No we haven't" Cody said.

"Okay thanks" I walked up to every superstar and diva asking if they have seen Roman, Kaitlyn, Brie, Nikki, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Naomi, Cameron, Jimmy, Jey and Nattie helped me look for him till the backstage crew said it was time for my match.

"I can't do this now, not knowing where's Roman" I said to Kaitlyn as we stood by the gorilla post "Try not to worry about it Kel. Everyone is looking for him and they will let us know if they found him" she said rubbing my back to comfort me then my music hit.

We walked out I did my entrance and waited for AJ, I paced back and forth looking at the stage then around the arena I looked at my family they smiled and waved to me, I smiled a little and waved back then AJ's music hit she walked out with Tamina all smiling like always then she skipped down the ramp and got in the ring "What's wrong Kelli? Where's your boyfriend Roman at?" AJ asked smirking, I glared at her and went to my corner then the ref ringed the bell.


AJ hit me with her finisher the Black Widow yelling "Tap!" I wasn't going to tap out I would rather pass out than to tap I dropped to my knees slowly fading away till I heard Kaitlyn chanting my name getting the whole arena to chant as well.

I slowly stood back then hit her with a Samoan drop I went to the corner to recover once I did AJ slowly got up I hit her with a powerful spear almost like Roman's and pinned her.




The crowd cheered as my music played Kaitlyn got in the ring and hugged me "You did great!" she said then pulled away to hold up my hand and the ref held my other one up in victory I went to all 4 corners throwing my fists in the air then looked down at my family, I got out of the ring and hugged them "I'm so proud of you baby" my mom said hugging me.

"Thanks mom" I pulled away and walked up the ramp then Seth and Dean came running out "Kelli it's Roman" Seth said "He's in the hospital"

Seth pulled up to the hospital I got out before he could park I ran inside going to the front desk "What room is Roman Reigns?" I asked.

"301" the nurse answered, I took off running as Seth and Dean followed but I was slightly faster than them once I saw room 301 I ran in and stopped dead in my tracks my heart just sinked when I saw Roman laying in the hospital bed looking like he just went through a car accident.

"Roman" I walked over as tears streamed down my face "Roman" I went over to his side and held his hand Seth and Dean walked in I looked at them "Who did this to him?"

"We don't know. The paramedics found him like this out by the loading decks" Seth answered then the doctor walked he told us that Roman had a bump on the back of his head and his ribs were bruised very badly and that they'll keep him a couple days.

After the doctor lefted I decided to stay the night then Seth and Dean will be back in the morning I called my mom told her what happened she said her and my family will say prayers for him.

Reba's (Kelli's mom) POV:

After I got off the phone with Kelli and told my family what happened to Roman there was a knock on the front door Bobby went to answer it "Hi can I help you?"

"Yes is Reba here?" a familiar voice asked.

'I know that voice' I thought walked to the front door and saw the one person I have not seen in 28 years, "Thank you Bobby I got this" I said having him go to the living room I stepped out closing the door "What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms in front me.

"I wanted to come by and see you and Kelli"

"Well she is not here and I don't wanna see you so you better give me a damn good reason why you're really here?"

He sighed looking down at the ground then back at me "I want to see Kelli. I know wasn't there for her but I wanna make it up to her"

"You wanna make it up to her? You lefted us 28 years ago I had to raise her all by myself keeping the truth from her about you and who you really are"

"And now I want a chance with her. Reba please I want to see my daughter I followed her wrestling career and I want her to know who I really am" he begged.

I stared at him then sighed "Alright but you do know she won't warm right up you?"

"I know and I am okay with it" I told him to meet me at the hospital where she was with Roman then I went back inside.

(Sorry if it kinda sucked. Who is Kelli's dad? Who do you guys want her dad be? I got one person saying Mr. McMahon and the other saying Sting from TNA, so Mr. McMahon or Sting? And who do you guys think beat up Roman? More to come in part 12)

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