Part 5

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Part 5

July 15, 2013

Kelli's POV:

I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door I opened my eyes to look at the clock it read 6 A.M. 'Someone better have a good reason for waking me up this early' I thought getting up going over to the door I looked through the peep hole to see Kaitlyn I opened it "This better be important" I said to her.

"Oh it is. Put a hoody on" she said.

I raised an eyebrow at her then put on my black zip-up hoody, grabbed my room key and walked out "Put this on" she handed me a blindfold? I looked at it then at her "Why?"

"Don't ask just put it and trust me"

"Trust you?"

"Yes. Now put the damn blindfold on" she ordered.

"Okay okay" I put the blindfold on she took my arm and we walked somewhere but I couldn't tell where "Kaitlyn where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see soon"

"You're not taking me somewhere you're going to kill me and sale my organs?"

She laughed "Kelli I would never do that. AJ would"

I nodded "True"

"Okay here we are" she let go of my arm and walked off somewhere.

"Kaitlyn?" I moved my hands around to feel anything till they landed on a strong chest "Um...Who this?" I asked.

"Roman" he answered and took off the blindfold once my eyes adjusted I saw all the superstars and divas in the hotel dining rooming "Happy Birthday Kelli!" they all shouted.

I smiled and looked over at Kaitlyn "Told you it is important" she said grinning.

"Thanks Kaitlyn" I hugged her she hugged me back then pulled away to see a breakfast buffet set up with eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, hashburns and my favorite chocolate chip pancakes (YUMMY!!) but no one knows they're my favorite besides my mom "Who knew chocolate chip pancakes were my favorite?" I asked her.

"That guy" she pointed at Roman, I looked at him "How did you know they're my favorite?" I asked him.

He rubbed the back of his neck "I called your mom and asked her. Hope you're not upset"

"Upset? No I'm just surprised that someone else knows my favorite pancakes besides my mom" I smiled and hugged him "Thank you Roman"

"You're welcome Kelli" he hugged me back

Later that night I sat in Kaitlyn's locker room I'm not wrestling tonight Stephanie and Triple H decided to give me the night off because it's my birthday but I decided to be on commentary with Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

We walked to the gorilla post she did some stretching and her music hit we walked out to see AJ already down in the ring I gave Kaitlyn a hug for good luck then walked over to the commentary table glaring at AJ then sat down between Michael and Jerry "Thanks for joining us on commentary tonight Kelli" Michael said as I put on the headset.

"You're welcome Cole"

"And Happy Birthday" Jerry said.

"Thanks King" I smiled at him and watched the match Kaitlyn was doing good and was getting the upper hand till AJ countered a move and hit her with a neckbreaker then looked at me and smiled.

I glared at her then saw Tamina come from out of the crowd with the same baseball bat AJ hit me with last week, I took off the headset as AJ pretended she was hurt so the ref had his back turned while Tamina got in the ring and had the bat ready to hit Kaitlyn.

I ran over pulled her legs out from under her making her fell face first on the ring and pulled her out Kaitlyn hit AJ with a spear and pinned her.




I got in, gave her a hug and raised her hand while the ref raised the other then she asked for a mic "As most of you all know today is a special day for my girl Kelli" she said in the mic, the crowd chanted "Happy Birthday Kelli" which made me smiled.

"Let's sing 'Happy Birthday' to her. Ready 1, 2, 3" her and the crowd singed to me after they were done she handed me the mic "Wow. I just wanted to say thanks you guys this has been the best birthday a 28 year old could ask for" I said in the mic then Dolph's music hit.

The crowd booed as he came down the ramp and into the ring he looked at me as he walked over to me "Kelli, first off happy birthday and I came out here to ask you 2 things. First, I want to forgive me for cheating on you and second" he dropped to one knee and opened a black box to reveal a diamond ring "Will you marry me?"

I stood there looking at him like he's crazy as the crowd chanted "No!" then I started to laugh as did Kaitlyn "That's a good one!" I said in the mic.

"I'm serious Kelli I want you to marry me"

"Dolph I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on earth. So go propose to that slut AJ who you cheated on me with" I dropped the mic and got out of the ring with Kaitlyn, we walked to her locker room and saw a bouquet of red roses "Someone sent you roses" I said as she walked over and read the card "They're actually for you Kel" she said handing me the card.

'Happy Birthday to the most beautiful angel I have ever met.

Your Secret Admirer'

"Oh my god"

"Who could they be from?" she asked.

"I don't know" I looked at the roses and smelled one of them "But whoever did just made my birthday a whole lot better"


(Who could the roses be from? One of the superstars or Roman? Tell me who you guys think it is)

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