chapter four

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; pairing : hoseok × reader ft. dawon (hoseok's sister)

; genre : fluff, angst

; word count 4.8k

; warnings : student!hoseok, student!reader, high school au, this is bit of a more serious chapter

; synopsis : yet another set of men visit the household, one of which to try to explain your relations to hoseok before you take your leave. and while hoseok sees you out, you manage to finally tell him what has been bothering you

; author's note : this chapter is a little sad :(

The crisp hour of the morning had poured its light through the window. Having forgotten to draw the curtains over the glass after yesterday's gloomy adventures and suddenly mediocre conversations. Hoseok's eyes groggily greeted the sunlight as he began to shed sleep from his mind, lungs expanding, rubbing off the crusty remnants of his slumber and dreams from his eyes. Until his gaze settled upon you, cuddled up into his side, light breaths hitting his chest that made his whole body feel warm. His arm returned to wedge itself under you, bringing you higher up to rest against him, curled legs on either side of his torso, the swells of your bossoms cushioning at his chest. Hoseok couldn't focus on how your chest pressed up against his, instead reveled in the sensation of you purring by his neck. Your strands of hair tickling him as you did so, and he tiredly grinned at you before placing a hand behind your head and allowing his fingers to venture through your locks.

His other hand moving to snatch his phone from the night stand, after he had given up to check the clock he couldn't quite see from above him. Eight o'clock in the morning was a little too early for him to be waking up during the weekend, but he couldn't find it in himself to go back to sleep. Instead finding it addictive to let his thumb tap away against the screen of the gadget, scrolling around social medias or catching up to text back whatever message he hadn't late night before.

Your head squirmed under his chin, Hoseok chuckling as he quickly moved his hand to shield his neck from you. Cooing you with a kiss on the top of your head, carding his fingers through your hair and brushing it aside to control your bedhead. Cautiously removing the elastic from your wrist and pulling your hair up into a bun for now so it no longer bothered him.

Finally setting down his phone after kicking around the idea of sleep over and over again, his hand now covering his eyes to hide them from the rising sun and take a quick nap to skip a little further into the morning. But a muffled scream made the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight in attention, panicking as you rolled off of him, getting a look into your eyes wide with horror. Screeching yet again when the bed had disappeared from underneath you and your body plummeted to the floor. "Fuck," you silently cursed, puffing out a breath and regaining yourself from your abrupt awakening.

Hoseok's chortling interrupted your recovery, laughing uproariously as you wallowed on the floor, not even the thought of checking on you if you were more seriously injured than expected. Bellowing an annoying chuckle as he slapped a hand over his mouth to stop, but even as he harshly sunk his teeth into his bottom lip he could not refrain himself from cackling. Whining as you rose from the floor to crawl back onto the bed, nursing the back of your head as he tossed and turned while wheezing. "Stop laughing! This must be your fault!"

"My fault?" he questioned with a hand on his chest from your accusation, still sniggering at you, and still attempting to stifle his laughs into the back of his hand. "How is you falling off the bed my fault?"

"Did you put me on top of you?" you slapped his stomach, and he recoiled from you after striking him once again, wailing slightly.

"Why would you think that?!" he sat up and managed to keep his chuckles choked down his throat, lips pursed as an effort in doing so. Staring straight into your eyes as your skin began to flush at the idea that you had settled on top of him yourself when you were sleeping. But all assumptions that your unconscious body had chose to wriggle onto him had banished when his mouth burst open to yet again unleash the laughter he had been working so hard to suppress in order for him not to earn another whack. "Well I didn't know you'd launch off the bed!" he crowed, tumbling back and quickly grabbing your wrist when you tried to smack at him once more.

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