Chapter One: Meeting Again

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(A/N: Welcome back or welcome to this story. This is only the second story I've written so it won't be good. Let me know what you think of this story so I can make it and my writing in general better. -Egg/Leggo my Eggo)

This starts with a memory from high school.


I walking down the hallway on my way to science, not paying attention to my surroundings when I suddenly run into something. At first, I thought it was a wall then I look up to see it was someone you've never seen before. Since this was a small school that only happened when they were new. "Sorry for running into you, I wasn't paying attention. I even thought you were a wall at first. By the way, I'm (Y/N). Are you new? I've never seen you before." He smiles and chuckles. God, his smile was amazing, it could light up the room. And his laugh, oh my god his laugh is contagious. "Oh, I'm Jared. You're fine, I didn't even feel you run into me. And yeah, I'm new here. Today's my first day actually." I smiled. "Well, I'm sorry to cut this conversation short I have to get to science. Find me at lunch and we can sit together so you don't have to sit alone. Bye Jared!" I said smiling as I walked away.


It was my first day at this new school and I wasn't happy about it. I hated being the new kid, which I was a lot because my family moved a lot. I was on my way to math when suddenly someone runs into me. I looked down to see a cute girl. She looked up at me and said, "Sorry for running into you, I wasn't paying attention. I even thought you were a wall at first. By the way, I'm (Y/N). Are you new? I've never seen you before." I smiled and chuckled it was funny that she thought I was a wall at first. She smiled and it was so cute. "Oh, I'm Jared. You're fine, I didn't even feel you run into me. And yeah, I'm new here. Today's my first day actually." I smiled kindly at her. She seemed nice, I really wanted to be friends with her. She glanced at her phone then quickly said, "Well, I'm sorry to cut this conversation short I have to get to science. Find me at lunch and we can sit together so you don't have to sit alone. Bye Jared!" It's my first day and I already have a friend. I was really happy. I walked to math with a huge smile on my face, today was going to be a good day.



It was just a normal Tuesday morning. I got up, got ready, and headed to work. I worked as a photographer and editor for a magazine company. I had stayed up late the night before working on a deadline so I decided to get some coffee on the way to work to keep me going. After I got ready I left my apartment and started walking to the coffee shop. I was walking into the coffee shop when I bumped into someone and they spilled coffee on me. "Hey!" I said, looking down at my shirt which now had a coffee stain on it. The guy who bumped into and spilled coffee on me was a very tall, muscular man. He looked down at me and his face filled with guilt. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to spill coffee on you." I intently looked at him while he talked I felt like I knew him. When he finished talking I snapped out of my gaze. "Oh, it's fine. I'll just run to my apartment and change before for work. I have one question though. Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like I do." He thought for a moment then said, "Well I don't think I know you personally but you might've seen me on TV or in magazines since I'm a famous actor. " I nodded. "Yeah, that's probably it. Well, goodbye." I walked into the coffee shop, still determined to get my coffee and the man walked away. After I got my coffee I quickly went to my apartment to change. I had to rush to work so I wouldn't be late. I walk into my office set down my stuff and check my email I had gotten one from my boss. It said I had a photo shoot today and an article about the show Supernatural due by the end of the week. I had to take the photos of the main actors for the cover and for the article today. I checked what time the shoot was and it was at 8:30. That only left me with an hour to get my camera together and set up everything for the shoot. I immediately started getting ready. About an hour later an intern comes into my studio and says, "The actors from Supernatural are here for their photo shoot." I looked up from setting up the last light. "Okay, send them in." I said. I was standing at the table that had my camera, laptop, and everything they would need for the shoot. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say, not looking up from adjusting my camera. I look up and see three men standing in front of me, one of which was the man who spilled coffee on me this morning. Being the awkward person I am, my immediate reaction was to say, "Hey, aren't you the guy who spilled coffee on me this morning?" His face turned red, he turned and looked at his feet. The two other men immediately started laughing. The man with light brown hair and green eyes said, "So THIS is the girl Jared was talking about this morning." I felt myself start blushing, why would he talk about me. The other man who had dark brown hair and blue eyes then said, "Yeah you were all he talked about all morning." I smiled and chuckled. At this point Jared's face was bright red, mine was as well. There was an awkward silence for a minute till I broke it. "So how about we start this photo shoot?" I said walking over and grabbing my camera.


The photo shoot was really fun. It ended up taking longer than it should've because of all of us joking around. The boys, who during the photo shoot I found out were named Jared, Jensen, and Misha, could barely keep a straight face. When they were about to leave Jared turned to me and said, "Hey, I'm having a small party at my place tonight, you should swing by." I smiled, I usually don't get invited to parties since I don't really have any friends besides my best friend Lily. "Yeah, that sounds fun. Here's my number, text me the details." I said while handing him a piece of paper with my number on it. He nodded. They all waved at me as they left. After they left I started editing the photos, I couldn't help but chuckle at some of them. We finished the shoot around 10:30 and I finished editing the photos by 1:30. Then I took a break and I checked my phone. I had a text from Jared.

Jared☕️☕️: Hey my address is 3704 Whispering Pine Street. The party starts at 7 but you can come early if you want. Hope to see you there.

I smiled. I am really excited I'm actually hanging out with people besides Lily. I immediately texted him back.

(Y/N): You'll see me there. I have a quick question though.

Jared☕️☕️: Go ahead shoot it at me.

(Y/N): I was wondering if my friend Lily can come too. We were planning on hanging out tonight and I don't want to cancel on her but I also want to go to your party so is that okay?

Jared☕️☕️: Yeah that's fine, the more the merrier. 

(Y/N): Thanks, see you later Jared.

I can't wait until this evening. I call Lily and it rings twice before she answers. "Hey (Y/N)."   "Hey, Lily guess what?" I can hear her chuckle over the phone. "(Y/N) you should know I'm not going to guess." I start chuckling. "Well instead of staying home and you forcing me to watch a TV show I've never seen before we're going to a party!"  "Wait what? We're going to a party? Who's party?" I chuckled. "Okay, so yes we are and it's an actor off of Supernatural who I met this morning at a coffee shop and then again at his photo shoot with Jensen and Misha." I hear her gasp over the phone. "Did you get us invited to Jared Padalecki's party?!" I furrowed my brow. "I don't know his last name. I just know his name is Jared and he's an actor on Supernatural."  "Oh my god (Y/N) you got us invited to Jared Padalecki's party." I sat and thought for a second, I knew that name. Then it hit me, it was Jared that I knew from high school. We were best friends in high school until he moved away. I had to text him right now to check and make sure it was him for sure. "Hey, Lily. I'll call you back in a minute. I'm pretty sure I knew Jared in high school and we were like best friends. Bye!" Then I hung up, I knew I would get chewed out by her for this earlier. I then called Jared. Hey picked up a few seconds after I called. "Hey (Y/N)! What do you need?"  "What high school did you go to in sophomore year?" "I went to Columbus High School." He said in a confused voice. "I went there too. Did you know a girl named (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)?" I sat waiting for the answer. "Yeah, she was like my best friend there until I moved. Why?"  I was happy that it was him, that I might be able to have him back as my friend. "Well, that's me. I didn't realize it until a minute ago that it was you. You look so different now." I could hear his smile over the phone. "It is really you (Y/N)?" I smiled. "Yeah, well I have to go finish the article on Supernatural I'll see you tonight. Bye Jar." I chuckled, I haven't called him that in years. "Bye (Y/N/N)!" Him calling me my nickname made me chuckle. I hung up with a huge smile on my face. I can't wait until tonight. I finish the article by 4 and turned it into my boss. I wouldn't have anything else to do this week because my boss expected me to take longer to finish it. I went home and waited for Lily to get to my apartment so we can get ready for the party. It was a casual party but I want to dress decent, better than I did at work. I usually just wore a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, and a beanie.  Lily got to my house around 4:30, she spent about 10 minutes chewing me out for hanging up on her and then another 10 asking for the full story on how I got us invited and how I knew Jared. So we didn't start getting ready until about 5. I picked out an oversized sweater, a pair of ripped jeans, and a beanie. I wore my hair down in its natural curls with the beanie covering some of it. I did want to do a lot of makeup so I only put on mascara. I looked in the mirror and smiled, I was pleased with how I looked. Lily wore a pair of ripped jeans, a gray t-shirt, and a jean jacket. She did similar makeup. We were ready at about 6 so we sat and watched TV until about 6:45. We left early enough that we can find his house without being late. We got there at about 7, we got out of my car and walked up to the door. My heart was beating out of my chest, I was really nervous but also excited. 

(A/N: So that was the first chapter, let me know what you think.-Egg/Leggo my Eggo)

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