Watching the a heart pouding game Pt. 1

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Hikaru found herself watching her brother. She saw amazed to see how much her brother has grown since just practicing with the towel….however; Hikaru became ticked when she saw the catcher could not catcher her brother’s pitches.

‘Chris get your sorry butt on the field and play catcher. This guy hasn’t practice with brother since he has been practicing. How stupid can Seidou be?’Hikaru thought

She grew sick of watching the failing of her brother’s catchable pitches, and it made her even madder to hear people yell at her brother, so she took a deep breath and shouted:


Everyone became quite.


Eijun had people yelling at him to get off the mound and come back when he could throw a strike. To tell you the truth it kinda bothered Eijun, he was trying his best…but something was not clicking….about that time he heard a familiar voice shouted:


Eijun smirked; Hikaru was here…she had come to watch him…

‘Hikaru, you’re here supporting me right? I have to show you just how much I have grown, and that I am able to stand in on the same field as you.’ Eijun thought


As Hikaru watched her brother became calmer. Hikaru felt herself be pulled back into memories of her and her brother when they were kids. Hikaru remember a time back when she was little and had broken her arm. She wasn’t a very happy camper.


Eight year old Hikaru Sawamura sat inside the school building while the other kids were at recess. She hated that she couldn’t go play with the other kids. Hikaru had gotten into a fight with some boys who were picking on Wakana and ended up getting her arm broke. Luckily Tetsumi’s older brother Hiromu came by and saw them picking on the two girls and fixed that problem. Thanks to the fight Hikaru was not allowed to go outside and play. The teachers were punishing her for getting into the fight. But thanks to everyone else statements Hikaru wasn’t suspended, but boy did she get in trouble at home….at least while her mother was around. Hikaru’s father was proud of his daughter for standing up for her friend and her grandpa grabbed her in a hug and said she was the son that he wished Eijun could be. Hikaru played with her pencil hoping time would go by quickly, but she knew it wouldn’t….Hikaru went to put her head on her desk, but she heard the classroom door slide open. She looked to see her twin stick his head in.

“Brother?”Hikaru asked “What are you doing here?”

Eijun checked it out and saw that there was nobody in the classroom except his twin, so he went in. Hikaru was annoyed that her brother ignored her question, but was shocked when her brother sat down.

“Brother what are you doing!?”Hikaru asked

“I’m spending recess with my sister.”Eijun replied

Hikaru looked at him like he was crazy.

“Are you crazy?”Hikaru asked

Eijun smiled and turned his seat to where he was facing his sister.

“Nope, I saw you from the playground…you looked so sad…I couldn’t let my twin be sad.”Eijun said

“Brother.”Hikaru replied

“Sorry I wasn’t there to help you fight.”Eijun replied

Eijun had to go home early the day of the fight thanks to some stomach virus going around. He was just recently able to go back to school.

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