A Nostalgic Face

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Seido was practicing like always. The group were batting against the ball machines, all up to the speed of Mei's pitches. All the regulars were making contact with their balls. The group tried to ignore the crowd of people that were talking about their every move like they were preformers.

“LISTEN IF YOU CAN’T SWIING WITH CONFIDENCE IT’LL ONLY GIVE MOMENTUM TO THE OPPONET!”Coach Kataoka shouted getting everyones attention “You have to swing the bat all the way through! Even if that means you get struck out.”

“YES SIR!”Everyone shouted

Hikaru and Eijun were batting side by side. A ball came flying to Hikaru, and like always Hikaru swung and the bat made a clicking sound.  Next a ball came towards Eijun.  He shouted:


The ball went flying past Eijun and into the net behind him. Hikaru sighed as Eijun raised his bat in the air and shouted:


“What ball were you looking at you swung completely late!”Hikaru said


The advisor and Coach Kataoka stood off to the side watching the regulars.

“W-Well his swing is nice…..”The club advisor said

“Yeah.”Coach Kataoka said

“At least Hikaru is good at batting.”



Furuya was on the other side of Eijun…Eijun heard two clanking noises. He turned to both sides of him and saw Hikaru and Furuya hitting the balls perfectly. Hikaru sighed he saw the aura spewing out of Furuya.

‘You idiot you have to practice batting and pitching to.’ Hikaru thought

Beside Hikaru was the youngest Koniamoto. Hikaru watched out of the corner of his eye to see Haruichi matching Hikaru hit for hit. Eijun watched in dread…why are the other freshmen good at hitting and not him.

“Hey brother.”A voice said

Eijun turned and saw Hikaru looking at him through the fence.

“What Hikaru!??!”Eijun asked

“Try a bunt. Trust me, it’s something that I can’t do.”Hikaru said

Eijun looked at his sibling then nodded. The ball shot out and Eijun did as his sibling said and bunted. Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

“THAT’S GOOD!”a second year cried

“Look how slow that’s rolling.”Another second year said

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