Another Job

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At least she could hang up this time. At least if she panicked there would be a fast out. At least she didn't need to hide the look on her face as some administrator called her Gisele or something even further off. She couldn't help but let her mind fall back a few years. Even though she knew it didn't work the way she planned last time.
"Just remember what David said." Gwen told herself. "And don't do it quite that convincing." She figured she wouldn't have the same over qualified confidence in her this time anyway. She didn't have an over excited man child coaching, and encouraging her for half an hour while they drove. This was all on her this time. She just had to wait for the call. Just wait. Impatience set in and the women threw herself on the bed in her small apartment. Home line in her hand. Her death burgundy coloured t sliding up awkwardly on her waist. She pulled it back down covering her stomach nonchalantly. It was hard to remember how long she lay there before this annoying ring wouldn't leave her alone. Groaning only lasted a second before she bolted up and pressed talk. Brushing herself off as she walked over the mirror.
"Hello!" She came in strong.
"Hello. Gwendolyn?"
Gwen brushed off the surprise of hearing her name on the other line and quickly sorted her next phrase.
"Yes. I've been waiting for this call."
"Ready for your interview then I assume?"
The conversation didn't feel as long as it was. The lady of the other end seemed reasonable as far as Gwen could tell.  Discussions of experience and work ethic and such were thrown in of course. Eventually drawing to a close.
"Perfect! Thank you for applying!"
"Yeah. Of course." She stated concerned, until the interviewer spoke again.
"So can you start tomorrow? We already have every site full, and the term began yesterday. So you'll have to pick up training quick."
She did it. She made it through a job interview. The relief was nearly audible.
"Yeah! I can totally start tomorrow." She said completely forgetting how long the drive was said to be from her town. A few more details were discussed before soon hanging up.  The newly employed woman heading to her dresser to pack.
'Another camp job.' She thought. "Least this one pays really well. Plus, it can't be as crazy as Camp Campbell." She laughed to herself. "Guess there's one thing I can bullshit well."
As she dug through her drawer her fingers brushed a familiar texture. One she could only recognize as the printed green tree logo. She grabbed a stack of shirts along side it and shoved them all into a pack.
Around nine pm the bus was out of town and headed north east at a hundred clicks per hour. Gwen stared half heartedly at her magazine falling asleep not an hour later. Her soft brown hair against the cold window of a grey hound.
Waking up was nostalgic as ever, feeling the cold draft on one arm, and sub par bus heating on the other. They were still moving when she brought her head up. Yet the vibrations had shifted from a smooth smooth highway, to a bumpy logen road. Looking outside you could judge that the sun had only just came up, but it shone strong through the glass. The were surrounded by heavy greenery and the sweet stench of ponderosa pine seeping through an open window. The morning light filtered the outside world beautifully, and made her eyes widen slightly as she brushed the cloudy window to get a look at where they were.  Undoubtedly close, but closer even than she would guess.  Not five minutes later after a rough downhill ride, they pulled around into a massive clearing.  Three flag poles stood strong flags raised at top mast.  One American, one Canadian, and one Navy Blue she couldn't recognize.  The unknown one had a visible logo in the center that she saw as they pulled around the field.  It was a singular leaf pointing to the heavens.  They came to a stop across from a large wood cabin, resting on the side of a small hill.  There was heavy used game trail leading up to it.  Cluttered by greenery you don't want to walk through with bare ankles. Gwen shifted before standing to walk out the bus. She had a bag on each arm and her legs were numb from the drive. The driver waved her adue before driving and leaving Gwen to her own devices standing before the cabin walkway. She took a sigh and became more steady in her footsteps, picking up her feet as she walked.
A voice came from inside before Gwen had a chance to knock. The door opened and a perky looking blonde woman, donning a Navy Blue collared uniform poked her head out. She wore a content smile on her face which soon grew into excitement at the site of Gwen. The woman was young and pretty, probably younger than herself by a few years Gwen thought.
"Welcome to camp stone!" The blondes voice rang with enthusiasm. "And you must be..." She dragged on obviously waiting for Gwen to tell her like some very cliche meeting scene.
Gwen nearly rolled her eyes at this.
"It's Gwen,"
"Of course." The blonde lady smiled and held out, well, her left hand for a shake which led an awkward failure and a moment of confusion between them.  "Ah, sorry.  Strange custom I know.  Left hand shakes display trust you see, because it's your shield hand in battle so it's letting down a new wall for someone."
'Must be a Canadian thing.'  Gwen thought to herself.  She knew one thing.  She wasn't letting down any safety walls yet.
The lady had a smile plastered on her face that reminded Gwen so much of her previous peppy coworker.  So bright and genuine, very pretty on top of that, inviting was an understatement.  Her thoughts were once again taken a stray as the girl in front of her continued.
"My name is don.  I'm one of the C.I.T.'s here." 
There was that smile again.  For someone living out in the woods, Gwen baffled at how this girl seemed so out of place.  Her hair was perfectly wavey with obviously natural highlights to compliment.  She seemed almost too perfect, like the camp uniform didn't suit her.  Though upon second glance she noticed the name brand shorts no longer than Gwen's own classics.  Somehow she was still sweet though with the greenery around complimentary to the girl's whole appearance.  Gwen snapped out of her thoughts once more to see the Don pulling a black ball cap over her hair and stepping out next so they were side by side closing the door on the way. 
Don cheerfully put her hands behind her back, radiating as she smiled and took in the scent of the forest. 
"I'm on break right now."  She said grabbing Gwen's hand loosely and started down the path with a huge hop in her step.  "So I'll give you a tour of our amazing camp!"
Gwen slipped her hand away and followed the other girl down the stairs.  So far so good.  So it isn't camp Campbell, it didn't have David or the kids she learned to put up with and be comfortable around.  But a fresh start can't be bad.  Maybe she can make this camp feel like home just enough.

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