Chapter three:

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Hey guys! Thank you to all my readers! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I want to apologize for the such short chapters! I am going to start writing longer ones but I was still kind of setting the tone for the back stories of the characters and such! Also.. I make Evan Peters a lot younger in this then he is in real life! So anyway please enjoy!



"Evan! Hi!" I say nervously.

"Hello my sweet darling" he says back with a huge smile stretched across his face.

"Evan, I got to talk to you." I say with concern, "what happened last night?".

"Do you not remember any of it?" He asked.

"Well I remember you talking about being a rapist and then we laughed a little bit and then I can't remember anything after that.." I say, "why can't I remember going home or saying goodbye to you?"

Evan looked at me strangely, "well sugar bunny I don't know.. I recall you telling me about your mom and your parents divorce and you seemed very upset so I said my goodbyes and the last I saw was you driving off."

"Okay.. I'm sure I was just really tired or something like that.." I say, "but.. Evan..?"

"Yeah beautiful?" He asks.

"Why did you not ask for my number or give me yours or anything like that? Did you have no interest in seeing me?" I asked with sad eyes.

"What? No! I wanted more then anything to see you again!" He exclaims, "look at your right hip!"

I stare at him for a second and then I lift my sweater up on my right side. And then I see right there on my skin in black pen a phone number.

"You told me that is where you would be able to find it when you wanted to text or call me" He says with a small smile that reveals his white teeth, "you are one strange girl, Scarlett, but the good kind of strange that you always want to be around because they make your life more exciting every second."

"You aren't so bad yourself, Evan bootylicious" I say jokingly.

"Bootylicious? Did you really think my last name was bootylicious?" He asks.

"Well my eyes just so happen to slip down to around the area of your booty and I happened to see how delicious it looked!" I say with any dignity I have left.

He begins to strut around my table at the coffee shop. He sticks his butt in my face several times. I sit there laughing like an idiot while several older couples stare at us.

"I think I could work it as a butt model" he proudly states, " not gonna lie.. I got moves"

I continue to laugh.

"My darling Scarlett i have realized something" he says, "we know hardly anything about each other. We should play like 20 questions to get to know each other.. What do you say?"

"Okay for starters.. Why do you always call me different nicknames like sweet cheeks or darling?" I ask.

He leans in close to me and says, "because we are lovers.."

"What!?" I exclaim while giggling.

"Haha no it's just that you are a perfect person that deserves all of these sweet names" he says.

"..thanks" I say with a smile.

"Alright, Scarlett, what is your last name?" He asks.

"Tucker," I say, "Scarlett Tucker."

"Peters," he says, "Evan Peters."

"So you have two first names?" I ask.

"Or do I have two last names?" He responds.

"Haha okay. Age?" I ask.

"18.. And you?" He asks back.

"17" I say, "you know I have always had a thing for older guys"

He stares at me for a while. Smiling. I can tell that he likes me. Or at least I hope. I'm starting to really like him. We get along so well and he has made me laugh more in the past 20 minutes than I have in the last 2 years.

He finally responds, "well I have never had a thing for younger girls... Until now."

This statement makes me smile and let out a little giggle.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask.

"Just girlfriends? What about boyfriends?" He responds.

I just stare at him with my eyes wide open.

"I was joking! Totally kidding!" He says, "umm probably like 6"

I continue to stare with wide eyes.

"I know i know that isn't very many!" He exclaims, "so how many boyfriends have you had?"

"Define boyfriend.." I say.

"Hmm?" He asks.

"Okay fine I haven't had a boyfriend before!" I say.

"Well that's okay" he says.

"No it's not," I say, "I'm just a loser"

"I find inexperience kinda cute" he says.

"..really..?" I ask.

He nods his head with a huge smile like an idiot.

"well I have school tomorrow so I better get going" I say.

"I want you to stay" he says like a little kid begging for something.

I lean in and give him and hug and whisper to him. " I'll call you tomorrow.. I want to see you too"

"Sounds good sweet cheeks" he says as we pull away from each other. And then he leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

As he leans back I look down at my feet because I'm blushing and I don't want him to see, but when I look back up he is already gone.

Once again I am left alone.

When I get home it's around 6:30 p.m. Where did the time go? We must have been talking for hours.

My dad isn't home yet. He's still at work. Always at work. I need to eat so I make myself some Mac and cheese.

I sit down with the plate in front of me. I take one bite and then I go upstairs. I don't eat very much. I'm never hungry.

I let my long blonde hair fall down out of my bun and I hop In the shower. I stay in there for at least 45 minutes. I just stand there thinking about so many different things rushing through my mind. Mostly about Evan.

I get out of the shower and get dressed. Then I hear my dad open the door. So I walk down stairs.

"Dad! Hi!" I say happily.

"Hey sweetie"

It's so strange to hear him call my sweetie right after Evan does.

"Did you take your pills?" He asks.

"Not yet. I will now though" I say.

I walk into the kitchen and gulp down water with my two pills. I've had to take them for the past 6 years. I don't really talk about what they are for.

I walk upstairs and say goodnight to my dad. And I go to my room.

I am laying in bed for at least 2 hours before I finally fall asleep.

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