💋 Chapter Twenty Seven

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"No. I don't understand, Jay. I don't understand!" I yelled as I showed the picture of Jay and some hoe kissing.

"That was a long time ago Bey! You know I won't do something like that to you!" He exclaimed and I just shook my head.

"How gullible do you think I am Jay?" I shouted back, throwing the picture. "You think I'm that naive to not know or notice what you were doing huh?!"

"What do you think I was doing?!"

"Cheating!" I answered fast. "I've been honest, loyal and faithful to you but what did you do?! Huh?! You fucking cheat on me!"

Jay groaned and rubbed his face. "I did not cheat on you, Beyoncé." He said slowly but still the anger is still there, he was a bit calm now.

"Yes you did." I said. "Who did you cheat with Jay?" I softly said with my tears falling.

"Beyoncé, I did not..."

"You promised me. You promised you wouldn't hurt me. You promised you wouldn't do such a thing. You promised me Jay, you promised me." I cried softly in my hands and he moved closer to me but I stepped back and wiped my tears. "Who did you cheat with?"

"Come on now Bey--"

"Who Jay? Who?! Who the fuck did you cheat with!?" I yelled and he just rubbed the back of his head. "Was it that chick from your office who fucking disrespected me, hugging and shit on you?! Huh?! Like I ain't your girl?!"

Jay groaned again. "Fucking answer me Jay!"

"Okay fine!" He yelled. "Yes! I cheated! Is that what you wanted to hear huh? Is that what you wanted? I cheated. With her."

I fucking lost my mind and went off again. I hit him everywhere that's possible and even the impossible, I don't think that would even make sense but I want to kill this nigga's ass right now. Jay tried to stop me by hugging but I wouldn't, especially when I want to kill him. But I grew tired and stopped eventually.

"Don't touch me. Get off of me." I told him once I was settled, breathing heavily. I moved away from him by pushing him and grabbing my bag and keys.

"Where are you going?" Jay asked.

"None of your damn business." I said opening the door.

"You can't drive like that Beyoncé." He said following me but I shot the door closed and ran outside. "Beyoncé!"

I ignored him, I kept running even though my eyes were blurry and hard to see. I kept running until I reaches my car. I hopped in and drove away.

I never heard or seen him since. Well, the reason for that was because I don't want to talk to him or see him. He's been blowing up my phone ever since but I never gave him any attention. It's been two months and I still couldn't believe he did such thing like that. But you know, men are men, they're pretty much like the same you know?

"Ms. Knowles, you got a phone call from Jay-Z. He says it's urgent. I'm gonna transfer it to yours, line one." Kate told me then I nodded then left the room.

I rubbed my temple while shaking my head. This is the eighth time he called me today. I really got no time to deal with his ass. Since we broke up two months ago, he can do him and I can do me. He can go back to his clubbing, fucking hoes or whatever. I don't care really. My mother knows about our break up, especially Solange, she was ready to kick this nigga in his balls. We were very lowkey on the social media because we wouldn't want people to question our relationship. Good thing Jay didn't say anything about it, except one from his song, saying it was not meant to be and even mentioned my nickname. That made headlines though and conspiracy about us, breaking up which is actually true.

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