What If I Loved You?

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Jinxx P.O.V.
It was The Legacy and the guitar solo started. I looked to Jake and he smiled at me beforw turning his attention back to the chords. I paid attention to my chords as he made his way to where I stood. I thought he was going to do what he often did at shows and press up against me but no, "You forgot the G." He mumbled in my ear and stepped away. I looked at him, confused then paid attention to the chords once more. The song ended and Andy thanked everyone in the audience. I walked over to Jake, "Dude! You screwed me up! I was good then you said something and I got lost!" I yelled at him. He bit his lip, "I'm sorry, it's just... Whatever."

Jake P.O.V.
I was about to tell him sense he wouldn't be able to hear over the music. I was going to tell him the truth about what I felt for him but insttead, "You forgot the G." What the hell? He yelled and I apologized. Ashley walked over, "I don't know about you two but I could go for a drink." He says and I roll my eyes. Jinxx nods in agreement. "Actually, I'm going back to the bus." I said. "Probably watch a movie and go to bed." I said. Jinxx looked up from tuning his instrument, "What movie?" He asked. I shrugged, "Probably something funny. I can't watch scary movies alone. I get spooked." I say. Ash smiles, "Hey, I bet CC would stay with you and cuddle when you got scared.

Jinxx P.O.V.
The way Ashley implied something was happening between CC and Jake... It snapped something in me, "Oh? And why's that Ashley? You saying that CC and Jake are gay gor eachother? Fuckin dickweed, Jake is straight." I snap. Ashley looks at me shocked, "What is that I sense? Is Jinxx... No it's impossible... I think... Jinxx is jealous!" Ash teases. I growl and storm off. I get back to the bus and go to my bunk and slam and lock the door. "Ashley doesn't know what he's talking about." I mumbled to the air, "Why would I of all people be jealous? I don't like either of them!" I growl.

Jake P.O.V.
I had followed Jinxx back to the bus and listened as he spoke. I knocked on the door, "Jinxx?" I asked softly. The door opened, "What?" He asked impatiently. I hesitated, "I was going to see if you wanted to hang out..." I mumble. His expression softens, "Of course." He says softly. He walks into the kitchen and I settle on the couch and pick out a horror film. He walks in with a bottle of wine, two glasses and some popcorn. He settles in next to me and I cover up. He pours the dark crimson wine into the glasses and then tugs at the blanket, "Give me some." He whines and I chuxkle before giving up half the blanket.

Jinxx P.O.V.
Halfway through the movie, I glance at Jake. He is covering his eyes and shaking violentlly as a particularly brutal scene comes on. I sigh and lean  closer and wrap my arms around him. He stops shivering and snuggles closer. After a moment, I shut the television off. He looks at me, "Thank you..." He mumbles and I nod. He bites his lower lip as he looks at me, "Jinxx... What if I told you that I love one of the members of the band?" He asked suddenly.

Jake P.O.V.
I saw the shock and hurt cross his face after my words. "I'd ask who it is. Then I'd ask why them." He responded. "How would you feel?" I asked. He shook his head, "Why are you asking?" He asked. "I just want to know." I say. He retracts his arms. "It's CC isn't it?" He asks. I look at him, "What? No." I reapond. He looks up, "Ashley?" "No." "Andy?" "...No..." He stats silent. "That's all the memebers." He announces. "What about you?" I ask. "Is it Jinxx?" He asks, hope clear in his voice. "What if I said yes? What if I loved you?" I ask "I'd literally cry from joy." He responded, "Then go ahead and cry me a river."

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