Ch. 2 (A Giant Friend)

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I wake up to the cold floor of the tavern. "Ughh." I groan, stretching. I get off the floor and walk downstairs. "Hey Captain." I say with a sigh.
"Morning Y/N!" He says cheerfully. "You know what, I think I'll make break-"
"NO! I'll, I'll make breakfast, ok?" I say, rubbing my temples. He laughs before sitting down.

I get up and walk behind the bar counter. I quickly whip up some eggs, bacon, and French toast.
"Done!" I say, getting three plates out. Elizabeth walks downstairs.
"Oh, that smells delicious!" She says, rushing down the stairs. We all eat quickly.


"That was delicious, Y/N!" Meliodas says as we head out of the Boar Hat.
"Thanks Captain." I say with a proud smile. As we walk through the forest, it starts to get foggy. As the fog clears, multiple Elizabeth's surround us.

"What the..." Meliodas seems happy. 
"Ok, put one hand on you cheek," they do. "Put one hand in the air," they listen again. "Now jump and say my name, and be dirty." They do, all except one.
"AAAH! WHERES MY UNDERWEAR!" The real Elizabeth screams.

Meliodas chuckles as he gets rid of the fake Elizabeths. I facepalm. Meliodas laughs again.
"Hey what's so funny!" I say. Or should I say, we say. There are multiple mes. "Woah, what the hell." I look at one of them. I see all my features. Holy mother of god, I'm busty. I turn around and look behind me. Big butt too. Average anime girl. Hazel eyes, long curly brown hair, light brown skin.

"Cool.." I mutter. Tired of this, I take out a sword I didn't know I had. I slice through the fakes. The sword changes into two rings when I'm done. "Hazelnut form 3..." I say randomly. The rings change into a necklace. "Woah.." I put it on. I see some little creatures running away. "Get back here runts!" I yell angrily, chasing after them.
"Lady Diane! Lady Diane! There are Holy Knights here!" The tiny monsters squeak as they talk to a huge figure laying down.

"Holy Knights, huh?" The figure moves and gets up.
"Holy.. it's Diane.." Diane looks at Meliodas and squints angrily picking him up.
"Hey Diane! Long time, no see." He says calmly. Diane looks at Meliodas again. Then she smiles widely, rubbing her cheek against his body.
"CAPTAIN!!" She squeals.
"Uh, hi Diane!" I say.
"Y/N?" She says. I nod.

She drops Meliodas and picks me up happily. "Remember our chant?"
"Friends like this stick together thick and through thin, best Sins!" The words leave my mouth along with her. She smiles wider and hugs me tighter. 
"Can't. Breathe!" I manage.
"Oh sorry!" She says, letting me down gently. "Wait, so Captain has just been traveling with you and her?" She says cracking her knuckles.

I nod, she begins pummeling Meliodas into the ground while he tried to explain.


"So Captain, where are we off to next?"
"To find Ban." Before we walked off, lightening surrounded us. "Wait, is that, no way, Lil Gil!" Meliodas exclaims as Diane and I struggle to get out the bonds. I shake my head in disappointment as Gilthunder talks about us killing his father, now he wants a revenge, blah blah, blah.

One Big Fight Later

"Thanks Gil!" Meliodas pops up and smiles at Gil, ignoring the huge gash in his shoulder. "This is goodbye." Gil says, ignoring Meliodas' happiness.
"Well, I guess it is. Bye!" Meliodas says with a smile as Diane breaks out of her bonds and picks up Gil. He tries to shock her but just manages to piss her off as she throws him far FAR away.

"Well, lets go find Ban!"
"Uh Captain, your shoulder?" Meliodas looks at his shoulder and shrugs.
"I'll be fine." We all walk back to the giant pig and climb on. "I'm gonna go take a nap, ok?" Meliodas walks inside.

My sensitive ears hear a thud.
"Wow, magical hearing too.." I jog inside and gasp. "Captain?!?" He was passed out on the floor.

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