Chapter 13 (I Love You)

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I sigh as I gaze at Ban. He's washing the dishes and I just finished my shift. I miss him. A lot. He must think I hate him. It's the exact opposite in fact. I think I-
"Y/N, cmon! We're gonna go watch a movie." I look up at Dalia and smile. I get up and she wraps an arm around my shoulder. She smiles and we walk to King's room with Diane, Elizabeth, Captain, Gowther, and King. I sit next to Dalia and end up laying my head on her lap as the movie starts. A few minutes after the previews, Ban walks in.
"Ah Ban, you made it!" King says excitedly. I narrow my eyes at King, trying to figure out what he's trying to get at. He looks back at me, furrowing his eyebrows at my bewildered look before looking back at the huge screen. I feel a presence next to me and see Ban sitting next to me out of the corner of my eyes. I feel my heart beating a little faster.

Dalia notices and she smiles down at me sadly. I smile back the same way. She rests her pointer finger on my forehead lightly.
'You're still in-' I cut her off
'Yeah, don't say the words. They make it too true.' She nods slowly. She sighs as she looks from me to him.
'I still can't believe he did that.'
'Neither can I.. I just.. I miss him so much.' A tear rolls down my face and Dalia notices. She makes me sit up straight and wraps her arm around me.
"It's gonna be ok." She says to me softly. Ban looks over and notices my tears. His eyes widen and he opens his mouth to say something but closed it as he looks down. I sigh and look back at the TV, struggling not to pay attention to the guy next to me who occupies my thought every second of every day. Dalia tries soothing me by rubbing my arm, but I just lay back down and go to sleep, trying to forget how close he is to me.


The movie was nearly finished when I woke up. Dalia was playing in my hair as Diane and King cuddled each other on his pillow. Mel tried his best not to stare at Elizabeth's cleavage, at least he tried. And Ban, he still sat next to me, he looked sad and disappointed in something. I wish I knew what. As I watched him, he looked over at me and we made eye contact. He gave me a small fang-toothed smile and I tried to return it but all it did was remind me of the good times we had together and my smile wobbled as tears fell again. Ban's face fell immediately. He tried to reach towards me but I moved away. I couldn't let him touch me, it'd break me more.
"I-I'm gonna go. I'm kinda tired." I got up and rushed to my room. I didn't lie. I'm tired of crying my eyes out. I have no idea how to approach him without a sharp pain shooting through my heart at the thought of what he said to me.
"It meant nothing to me.." The thought of the words send me into another fit of sobs.

I was crying so hard that I don't notice the door open. A warm presence envelops me in a hug and I cling to their chest. They're much taller than me. And it's a guy. That could only mean..
"B-Ban?" I sniffle as I look up at the red eyed man in front of me.
"Babydoll, did I do this to you? Did I drive you to, this state?" The nickname he gave me feels like a smack in the face. I nod slowly. He bites his lip and shakes his head. "Fuck it.." He pulled me into another hug. I felt something wet soak my hair and my eyes widened as I realized what was happening. His body slightly shook as he sobbed into my hair. This unbreakable man, so delicate and fragile in front of me. He picked me up and sat down on my bed, me on his lap. "God it's been killing me. To ignore you. To pretend that night didn't matter. To pretend like I don't see you hurting. I was so scared.."

"Of what?" I manage out in a small whisper.
"Of losing you. But I managed to make that nightmare come true myself." He muttered. I didn't understand him, but I didn't dare ask. "God, Y/N, I love you so much," I froze at his words. "And I'll do anything to make it up to you. I wanna start over. From that night." He looked me in the eyes as he said this. His eyes still slightly watering as his normally steady voice shook. "Please, give me one more chance. I'm so sorry." I stared into his eyes, trying to assess if he was being serious. I finally sighed.
"O-ok, but im trusting you Ban. Don't hurt me a-again." My voice broke at the end as I buried my head into his chest. He buried his head into my hair and I felt him smile. Not smirk, but a genuine smile.
"I won't baby doll, I promise."

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