Chapter 12: The Battle at the Bottom of the Sea

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January 27, 2017, Bikini Bottom. 

3:00 P.M.

DoodleBob approaches Bikini Bottom, and then he raises his hand in the air and makes a fist, telling everyone to stop. He sees the doomed city and the sign in bolded words;


He smirks. Yeah, right. Let's subtract that many people. That's how many people will be left alive, he thought.

He can now show SpongeBum and Buttrick he is not one to be messed with.

"ATTACK THEM!" he yelled, a look of stored hatred and sweet revenge.

Instantly, the entire battalion flooded down the hill and crashed in on the city as if a black and white tsunami hit the side of Bikini Bottom. The people closest to the border were the ones to pity the most as a family of 8 got rammed by a tank and trampled by the giant monitor lizard.

The eldest daughter of the bunch got buried IN the sand.

That was when the terror broke loose.

Hundreds of soldiers opened fire, the lead bullets punching holes in innocent civilians, killing them quickly, and tanks left man-sized holes in buildings. The war planes flew at Mach 3.2 and dropped bombs on the streets, incinerating every boatmobile, lamp post, and person on then. Even the concrete got busted due to the heavy impact. The wild pig gored numerous people, tearing them apart, and the piranha took up whole swarms of running civilians in its mouth, and those poor people were eaten alive by the giant fish. Who knows the horrors that happened in its mouth. 

SpongeBob and Patrick sped to the incident at speeds exceeding 140 mph. Gary was hitting 186 until he slammed on the brakes and pulled a 180-degree turn as the car stopped. SpongeBob and Patrick jumped out of their cars, pulled out all of their weapons and ran towards DoodleBob.

A bunch of men with bayonets ran at them. Showtime.

SpongeBob pulled out his laser and fired it. The yellow beam shot through at least a hundred of them, while Patrick fired the bazooka, defeating even more troops. 

"Gary, go! We got these guys! Take out as many people as you can," SpongeBob yelled. 

Gary nodded and got out of the Boatgatti and into the X-MBT. Then, as he started driving down the streets, he looked out the window and watched as a man helplessly flailed and yelled in unexplainable fear as a giant crow drops him a few hundred feet onto a line of shopping carts. The man died the moment he landed. Blood followed through the carts.

He then saw even more armed soldiers who tried firing at the military vehicle, but that didn't scare Gary.

Rather than driving away, he went right towards the army of armed guys and activated the bomb launchers.

Only explosions, stick men being broken in half through the air and a giant armored boat truck could be seen in the massacre. Gary left no survivors with the army of stick men that were once attacking him. 

Now they're being attacked.

At the college, Mr. Pla looks out the window and yells.

"Oh, Neptune! They were right!", he screamed. He then went to the intercom and yelled, "Everyone, retreat! Get the weapons from the vault and defend yourselves!!" The thousands of students begin screaming, and Sandy looks from the window and gasps. She ducks as an incoming tank missile detonates on contact, annihilating the entire college, and EVERYONE in it. Nobody could react in time because of the astounding velocity of the missile. At the Krusty Empire, Mr. Krabs cries and holds on to his money before a jet does a kamikaze attack on the restaurant, killing everyone. Squidward tried hiding in his home, but the jets destroyed his tiki house.

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